The Other Half

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The gentle late summer morning air from the open balcony door breezed on my bare skin and woke me up from one of the greatest slumbers I've ever had. I turned over to find that Jisoo had pulled all of the blankets to her side. Typical of any woman in bed, I mused. I studied my sister's beautiful face. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open slightly. She was still in deep slumber. I smiled seeing how cute my sister was.

I stood up and walked outside of my bedroom. I looked inside the other bedroom and saw Jennie and Irene cuddling, both still sleeping as well. I glanced at the window to see a mostly dark sky, with only streaks of orange from the sun that was about to rise. It must be around 5am, I thought.

Feeling hungry, filthy, and a little hung over, I contemplated between taking shower or ordering food first. Honestly, I craved a bowl of steaming hot spicy ramyeon or haejangguk, but one whiff of my own skin made me recoil in disgust. Shit. Showering was more important.

I dragged my legs to the bathroom, standing in front of the sink and opening the tap to get some water to wash my face, but to my surprise... No water came out. Confused, I tried the same with the shower... Same results. Huh. Weird.

I walked over to the credenza in the living room and dialled the operator. It rang for a few times, before a woman's voice answered.

"Yeoboseyo. Front desk here. How may I assist you?" she asked.
"Y–Yeah... Hi. This is the Penthouse. There's no running water here... Can you do something about it?" I asked.
"Oh. Joesonghamnida, Son-nim. We have been informed that there's some problem with the water pressure, so the highest it can reach at the moment is the 8th floor. We're currently tending to the matter. Do you mind to–"

Not waiting for her to finish her sentence, I hung up. Damn. Wasn't this supposed to be a luxury hotel? Was YG that incompetent?

I felt irritated, and I tried thinking of a way for me to get access to water. The operator said 8th floor... Rosé's staying on the 8th floor. Should I go down and use her bathroom? But... She was staying with her boyfriend, right? Wouldn't it be weird for me to knock on her door at this hour? They could probably still be asleep.

Should I just order food? But... I couldn't stand this smell. I guessed being sprayed by Jennie and Irene's fluids multiple times felt sexy and good when it happened, but gross after a few hours of marination. I chuckled absentmindedly... 'Marination'.

I sat silently on the sofa... Where I had sex with Irene last night. I tried sniffing my own arm again, and for the second time this morning I recoiled. Fuck. I smelled really bad!

"Shit... I really need to shower..." I mused.

I decided to just head to the 8th floor and explain myself to Rosé and... Who was her boyfriend's name again? Ah fuck. My head hurts too much from the hangover to remember his name. Why did I keep forgetting his name?

I stood up, went back to the bedroom to wear my casual outfit and picked up a fresh set of clothing for me to change. I looked over at my sleeping sister... And I couldn't help but smile. She was... Angelic, wasn't she?

I walked over to the door and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me gently so that I didn't wake up the three sleeping girls. As soon as I stepped out, I realised that the penthouse smelled like alcohol, cigarettes, and human fluids, while the hallway was lavender and heaven in comparison. I chuckled and walked to the lift lobby, taking the lift down to the 8th floor.

I stepped out and walked over to the room by the end of the hallway, where Rosé and her boyfriend would be. I knocked on the door hesitantly, thinking of the right way to ask them to borrow their bathroom without sounding like I was desperate, or why I smelled so bad.

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