As If It's Your Last

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The gentle summer breeze coming from the open window woke me up. The sun was high. I glanced at the clock on the side table and saw that it was past 10 am. I looked to my side, and saw that I was alone.

Groggily, I stood up from the bed. I was still dressed in my clothes from last night, and I suddenly felt like I needed to take a shower so badly, but I remembered that I didn't have any clothes in Blackpink's apartment. Gosh, I should drive all the way home... But then I remembered that my car was still parked outside of SM's Headquarters. Should I borrow one of the girls' cars?

I heard conversations and laughter outside. The girls must have been there. Slowly, still a little bit dazed, I walked towards the door and opened it.

"There he is! Let's hear it for our hero Kim Yeoni!"

Confused and not fully awake, I was met with the applause and cheers from Jisoo and Rosé, led by my girlfriend Jennie. I couldn't resist smiling. She rushed to hug and kiss me, but then she recoiled, wrinkled her nose and pushed me away.

"Ew... Babe, you stink! Go take a shower!" she said before running away, back to the table.

The girls laughed out loud, and I slowly laughed as well. I looked up and only then did I realize that the three of them were all sitting around the dining table. Jisoo was wearing an apron over her outfit, her hair tied in a bun, looking like the mother of these two young girls, stooping over a large pot of a boiling, soupy dish. Rosé's eyes were swollen and red, but she looked calm and at peace, sipping a cup of hot black coffee. Jennie, well... Looked like Jennie. Beautiful, cheerful, bubbly... While Lisa was nowhere to be found. I realized that I'd miss these girls so much. They all looked so relaxed in their pajamas, without their makeup.

 They all looked so relaxed in their pajamas, without their makeup

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"Good morning, girls..." I said, walking towards them.

The aroma of the dish drew me to them. I was so hungry and was ready to eat, but Jennie stopped me with her outstretched hand, keeping me at bay.

"Ya! Don't come any closer! You'll make the kongnamul-guk bad with your smell!" she yelled, but then grinned wide.
"B... But," I protested.
"Clothes? I went to your apartment earlier and brought some for you," Jisoo said, smiling and nodding towards a suitcase near the sofa.

I noticed that she looked well-rested and happy, and this made me glad.

"We've also picked up your car from SM's HQ, Yeongi," Rosé said, smiling weakly. "You have nothing to worry about."

I smiled, feeling thankful for these girls. They really took care of me.

"Ya!" Jennie stood up and pushed me all the way to the bathroom. "Go now! Quick quick!"

I laughed and obeyed her orders. Jennie handed me a set of clean clothes before kissing my lips and slamming the bathroom door close after I entered. I laughed again, shaking my head, and took a shower.

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