Intermission: The Call

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The lights flickered back on. Everyone was panicking. I was in a man's arms, tears blurred my vision.

"Rosie, Baby, are you okay?"

I looked up and saw John's concerned face. I kissed and hugged him tightly.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. What just happened?"
"I–I don't know... The lights went off suddenly and I heard doors slamming open and close, and then nothing..." he said concernedly.

I looked around the Conference Room. The TV was showing static. Jennie was holding on to Lisa, both looking shell-shocked and terrified. The three Blinks were rushing out of the room. A few of our staff members entered the room, followed by some hotel staff.

I rushed to my girls and hugged them. Then, I noticed something horribly wrong. Almost immediately, they did too.

"Wh–Where's..." I stuttered.
"Where's Jisoo and Yeoni?" said Lisa in horror.

Fuck. Fuck! Did they just abduct them because they were against what the bosses wanted? This is madness!

"Whe–Where are they?" Jennie said in panic.

Her voice started to crack. Jennie was the one closest to the Kim siblings, so it's understandable that she'd be the one who worried the most. But I was worried as well.

"Can we call them? Where's my phone? John!" I exclaimed.

John took out his phone from his jacket and gave it to me. I dialled Jisoo's number. No connection. Shit! I saw Jennie took out her phone and called Yeoni. No luck. I saw colours starting to leave Jennie's face. She was practically sobbing in panic and fear now. Her whole body trembled. Lisa flung her arm around her, trying to comfort her, but she was also crying.

"Wh–Where–What happened... Oh my God... Oh my God..." Jennie whispered through her tears, her hand covering her mouth.

" Jennie whispered through her tears, her hand covering her mouth

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A woman in a dark purple blazer approached us. She was the manager who talked to us during the event last night.

"Ladies, may I escort you back to your rooms? We were informed that the black out earlier was due to someone cutting the generator power, so we might be under some sort of attack. We need to do a security sweep around the area to make sure that everything's safe, and it might be safest for you to be in your rooms," she said, her voice filled with concern and urgency.
"Do you see Jisoo and her brother? They were here with us just minutes ago!" I said. She shook her head.
"I'm sorry, but... No. I haven't seen them either. We'll start a search for them immediately. If they were here a few minutes ago, they can't be far," she said, trying to sound as assuringly as possible.
"Can we be all in one room? Maybe the penthouse?" asked Lisa. The manager nodded.
"Absolutely, Manoban-ssi. Now please, follow me."

She led the three of us to the elevator, and John followed suit. We rode the elevator up in silence, still embracing each other. Jennie's petite body was trembling. She continued to sob. We reached the penthouse floor, and the manager opened the door for us.

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