Chapter 4: Trouble's Coming (Part 2)

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  "We found it," said Adora, mesmerized by yet another beautiful and glowing feature of the planet.

  While Bow and Archie faced against the twins, Glimmer ran between bushes, climbing the big hill with energy gifted by the adrenaline circulating in her veins. The Queen could only think about the boy's safety, since leaving them behind had anguished her, but Bow was right; if they failed, so will their friends, so she had to keep her head cold, to maintain the integrity of the mission.

  Sooner than expected, she was almost on top. A strong waterfall sound was heard, and it became strident once she was met face to face with such monstrous cascade, connected in the land by a long metallic platform placed in the center. Amazed, she started to cross it, under the impression that such a gigantic body of water was about to devour her.

  She walked until she noticed that, a few meters ahead, the platform ended abruptly. Glimmer went almost to the edge, incredulous. She felt a strong sense of vertigo at seeing the long fall.

  "It can be..." she whispered in frustration, gazing at every piece surrounding her, searching for a clue. After a while she found something, in the rail, just before this ended, there was a small inscription: The path is invisible for those who refuse to see it". Glimmer found no meaning to those words, "What is that supposed to mean? I don't have the time for stupid riddles!" she yelled angrily kicking a small rock that frightened the butterflies of the place, forcing them to fly around into the abyss where they rested as if they were floating in nothing. Glimmer stood there mouth agape, thinking at first they were flying, but that didn't make much sense. The girl then believed to understand what she was meant to do, after a few seconds of doubts, she inhaled and exhaled heavily, looking at the butterflies. "I hope I'm not losing my mind or hallucinating," she said again out loud, making the first step into the void. She closed her eyes firmly but opened them right away when she felt the ground beneath her. Yes, the path was literally invisible. Glimmer, smiling, ran carefully through it until she was in front of the waterfall, which sprayed some relieving drops on her.

  Bow and Archie, in the meantime, keep combating the girls, running uphill, trying to keep them away from Glimmer, but this was getting more and more difficult. The sisters had no mercy and were quick to attack, requiring all the attention and energy of both boys, which was no longer at that level.

  "Got any plan?" asked Archie agitated, supporting his back against Bows', both scanning their surroundings in search of their rivals, their arches ready to shoot. Bow tried to think; he only had a few arrows left, the same as Archie, so there wasn't much for them to do, "Kid, they're getting away!" yelled the young man, drawing out Bow from his trance. They started to run behind them, shooting some arrows, but neither managed to hit their blanks.

  "I think I got a plan, but we need to get to the platform before them," said Bow agitated, but with security. Archie turned around and nodded.

  "And I think I know a shortcut" he replied, and both smiled.

  Catra and Adora observed the cave, admired and intrigued. That place showed off its magic by a plain view, it was almost hypnotizing. But Catra knew what they were meant to do, and despite trying to show it on the outside, deep down she didn't feel safe at all.

  Her body tensed up, her hands started to sweat and her heart raced against her chest.

  "Do you think we can do it?" she asked terrified, her voice raspier than ever, Adora was pull off the trance and turned to face her. Surprised by her tone.

  Adora was afraid too, there was no point in lying to herself; but as usual, she didn't want to be dominated by that feeling. There was no place for it, she was meant to be the support; that's why she held Catra's hand tightly and gave her a secure look. If both fell, they wouldn't be able to continue, and they'd fail.

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