The Redstone and the Build

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Siren's pov
I sit up as the sun rises and Xisuma hands me a stack of Golden Carrots," here, its the most common food around here, although nobody will judge if you don't like them" i nod and i bite into one, suprised at how it tastes." Wow, thats delicious" i finish the carrot in a few more bites and he helps me dispose of the leaves. After a hour of us talking Grian flies in, looking worse for wear, but overall ok. After a few hours of us playing Hacky Sack with an apple theres a sound of fireworks and a scream, causing me to launch a firework and i fly out to see a man in a suit with a mustache falling toward the water, i dive quickly after him and i manage to grab his arm before he hits the water and i launch another firework to keep us in the air but it's a struggle as my elytra starts showing the strain and i turn toward Grians base, knowing i can make the outer rim if i'm careful, blasting another firework to speed it up we land hard." Thank you, but why? Surely your on Grians team" i shake my head," i don't chose sides, i chose people, and so far everyones really nice." He smiles and holds out a hand," the names MumboJumbo, whats your name?" I shake his hand," Sirenic, but call me Siren 'if it suits you fancy'" i say the last thing in a british accent and he bursts into laughter," thats a good one, anyways i need to see if grian has any boats laying around, or maybe any expeierience methods so i can repair my elytra." " i know he has villagers to trade with in the Potatube." He nods and he jumps down, placing a water bucket and scooping it back up and i spread my elytra and i land with ease and grian checks over mumbo and i notice how the tension seems to rise until mumbo finally calls out," leave me be Grian, i'm ok, Siren caught me before i hit the water, she's gonna be quite the flier already." Grian chuckles and i nod and grian comes over to me and he checks the elytra on my back." Yikes carrying both you and mumbo wore out the wings, but you did good, mumbo's getting his wings fixed up, he wouldn't have been seriously hurt, but there would have been possibilities of drowning or the Drowned zombies getting him, so you saved him from possibly getting really hurt." I nod with a smile and i notice Mumbo looking around the corner and he comes out," hey Grian, can i use some rockets? I dropped them when i fell." He nods and places a Shulker and pulls out some rockets and hands them to mumbo and places a hand on his shoulder and says," be safe my fellow Architech, my door is always open." Mumbo nods and takes them, launching off with a bang and Xisuma quietly smiles.
Time skip/
Mumbo's pov
I fly to Star team base and i land, heading down to my bunk as i ponder over today's events, pulling out a book. I go over to a window and i look at the battlefield. I didn't want to be a part of this war, but i had been forced into it. Today was the last straw, i had been instucted to blow up Grians base, whether the new girl was there or not. I wasn't going to do it, i was going to warn them and give them time to run, but my Elytra broke before i could even fly in, then siren caught me before i could crash. What she said amazed me. Choosing the people instead of the belief. I write down what i needed to say and i sign the book, placing it on the item frame. I sigh and i head outside, happily launching a firework and flying back to my base, where i belonged and i see Siren flying around, fresh armor on and her elytra fully repaired. I turn and i fly alongside her." How are you doing today?" She smiles," doing good so far, you?" "Really good, i finally gave up on the war effort, i was just about to fly to my base and send Grian a message to let him know. He's been really busy with the effort lately." She nods," yeah, he told me to go flying for an area that i wanna build my base in." " oh, well i can help you if you need any help gathering materials." She smiles and nods," thanks Mumbo, i'll let you know if i do." She lowers herself and she naturally glides, launching a rocket and gaining height. As she soars in front of star team base she soars above the Motar and i can hear the Ghast inside freak out and it launches a fireball without seeing her, the explosion causing massive damage and a flying block slices through her Elytra and she cries out, holding herself as steady as she can and she launches a rocket, soaring over the river and i quickly follow, noticing her wobbling in the air as she searches for somewhere to land i grab her arm and i launch another rocket, proppelling me further up and i turn for my base." Hold on tight, i'm not sure if we'll be able to make it, but we should get close enough to swim there safely." She nods and grips my arm tighter, launching a firework and it expands the rift in her elytra, causing her to wobble more but she holds on tight, my massive megabase coming into sight and i launch another rocket but the weights too much and we hit the sea, the momentum sending us both tumbling, i quickly swim up and i gasp, looking around and i don't see Siren." Siren!" I glance around again before equiping my helmet with Resperation on it and i dive down, spotting her kicking a drowned while the ripped wing on her elytra caught in kelp. I quickly swim down and i cut her free, shoving her up and i slice off the Drowned zombie's head, swimming up and i gasp, seeing Siren coughing a bit and i make sure she's breathing ok before i start swimming to my base, completely forgetting, as the spoon i am, that i have a trident in my inventory. After remembering and getting us both to shore she lays back in exhaustion." You ok?" I ask and she weakly nods," just tired, and thanks." I nod and she can't seem to fight the sleepiness as she falls asleep. May as well get her on my bed, i'll spend the night repairing her elytra. I scoop her up and i put her in one of my machines that removes the damaged elytra and i catch her, laying her on a bed nearby. I grab the wings and i go stand in my EXP farm.

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