Chapter 20

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Right after school finished I packed up my shit and headed straight for my car that was parked in its usual spot in the student parking lot. Once outside I spot all three of my brothers already by my car so I unlock it and once there get into the vehicle and pull out of the parking lot.

On the way home my brothers and I made small talk but they mainly talked about sports which although I enjoy playing them I do not enjoy talking about them.

As I pull into the place which we all call home, we all stop talking as we see that our dads' car that he took to the airport is currently in the driveway. Once I park the car I follow my brothers inside to be greeted by my one and only dad. We are greeted to a house that looks like a hurricane just ran through it, which is usually how it looks when our dad is unpacking his things after any kind of business trip.

Eventually, he sees us all looking a little confused which he understands so with that he provides us with the answers.

Turns out the reason that he went for wasn't that hard to solve after all.

Once our dad had told us about some of the things from his trip, I went to go grab some food from the kitchen along with a bottle of water cause knowing me I'm always parched.

once in the kitchen I hear the doorbell go off and yell out to my dad to open it as I knew he was right by the door putting away some of his sweaters and jackets.

Shortly after I hear my dad open the door I hear him yell out that it is for me and with that I am confused. I start walking out of the living room thinking that I was not expecting visitors but once I see who my dad has let in I stop dead in my tracks and just stare at the sculpture that stands in front of me.


After school, I was on my way out to my car and sure enough, I see Mason's car zooming out of the parking lot.

I walked to my car and unlocked the door, got in and I start the car, and zoom out of the parking lot.

On the way to Mason's house, I see a Mcdonald's, and of course, I have to pull in cause all though I am an athlete, fast food is my biggest weakness.

Once out of the drive-thru I start eating my chicken nuggets and drinking my sprite on the way to Mason's house and sure enough, I arrive at his like 10 minutes after I got back onto the road.

As I quickly shove the last 2 nuggets into my mouth and grab my sprite I hop out of my car and start making my way to his front door. Once I arrive at the front door I knock and shortly after a man I can only assume is Mason's dad answers the door and greets me. I greet him back and he asks me who I am here to see. I respond to him by saying Mason and he invites me inside well he yells out for Mason to come and greet me.

Let's just say that the look that was upon Mason's face was a very shocked one and when I looked at him and observed him I seen the wheels turning in his head and seen that all the ideas if why am I here are spiraling through his brain.

"Hello Conner," Mason says and to that, I just nod my head and Mason's dad then leaves the room leaving only myself and a very eager Mason in the living room.

Mason motioned me to follow him up the stairs which I can only imagine that he is taking me to his bedroom but I was wrong he took me to their entertainment room where all of their games and high-end technology are stored. When I walked in I was in complete heaven but, this is not why I am here.

I need to confront the issue that is at hand and today is the day where I find out if I have a chance with Mason cause if I don't I guess I should start moving on now.

When Mason turns around I get right to the point I ask him straight up if he is into me, yes I know it is bold of me to do so but it has to be asked.

Mason looks at me and is just confused like that was not what he expected me to ask him but he did give an answer.

" I have liked you now for so long that for you to ask that question is kind of funny. You think that because I'm not falling for you like everyone else does that I'm not into you. Think again. I want you to work for me, but I do think that you have proved yourself willing to date me so here is my proposal. I usually give three strikes I will let your first strike count as everything that you did before now, leaving you with two strikes left. Once you mess up with those this is over. If you want to give a shot this starts now but if you want to back out now, I will understand as well "

To say I was shocked by what Mason just said to me is shocking. I was expecting something a lot simpler than that but I think that this decision is a super easy one if not one of the easiest things that I have had to make.

I within seconds of Mason finishing his proposal says "YES" lie a thousand times to the point where Mason is looking kinda scared and worried. I immediately pull Mason into a hug and I truly think that at that very moment I feel like I am on top of the world as finally after 4 years the kid who I have always wanted is with me. There is no way that I can fuck this up at this point.

After that short-lived moment between Mason and myself, I then ask him if he would like to come to my Lacrosse game tomorrow and support me as my soon-to-be boyfriend and sure enough, he said yes as he has lunch practice tomorrow for the volleyball team.

Yes for any of you wondering I have memorized his practice schedule but that was just so I could know when to call him or when I could see him and when I couldn't.

Shortly after, Mason agreed that he would come to watch the game tomorrow along with Vic and Jack which I was super excited about.

I'm sure it won't be hard for Vic and Jack to realize the change between Mason and myself and I'm sure I'll be grilled by them but hey in the end it will all be worth it.


After everything that happened Conner and I spoke for a few minutes after and surely he ended up leaving even though it was a hard challenge to get him to leave.

It feels a little weird knowing that I am taken but at least I am taken by someone who I truly think likes me at the end of the day.

As I was heading back to the kitchen to go and get a quick snack before my dad was going to cook dinner none other than my annoying younger brother Brody comes strolling into the kitchen as well and if there is one thing about Brody, it is that he can sense when something is up and right now he knows I'm hiding something.

I just hope that I can get outside and go sit in my pool chair that is in the shade and chill before he has the chance to ask me about it.

Just as I think that I have escaped, of course, Brody says my name making me look back.

" So Mason, what are you keeping from us old or new drama I don't care just tell me so you're not the only one who knows about it, " Brody says.

I think about it for a second and decide that honestly maybe somebody knowing isn't the worst thing in the world. Might be a little beneficial if you ask me.

As I start to go outside I motion for Brody to follow me out and so he does. Once out there we both take a seat and he is all ears. One thing about Brody is he is a great listener and is trustworthy with anything.

Let's just say that I was extremely shocked when he found about Conner and me being together, if anything he was happy to see me happy, and with that, we sat there and talked until dinner which made me happy and a lot less nervous about the rest of my family knowing about this relationship.

I just really hope everything works out in the end between Conner and myself.







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