Chapter 3

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As I walked to Physics class which was on the other side of the school I was ducking and dodging every single person who I had a chance of bumping into or just simply wasn't paying attention to their surroundings.

When I walked into class I took a seat near the back of the classroom and got out my binder and notebook to properly prepare myself this class because in all honesty it was the hardest class for me to understand but I still got about a mid 80% in it last year which to me is still good.

As the class was settling in I look over to my left and see that none other then Jack Locke was taking a seat next to me which is shocking because he always sits in the back of the classroom no matter what the circumstances are. Just before he sits down he looks to me and asks if anyone is sitting there to which I respond with a no and go back to playing Clash of Clans on my phone and when the bell rings turn my phone off and start to takes notes on what the teacher was writing on the board as it will mostly come in hand eventually.

A couple of minutes into class he was already talking about how our bench partners were also going to be our assignment and lab partners which in my case sucks because I know that Jack is not good in Physics and now both of us have to do our best to try and do the best on every assignment possible.

The teacher walked around the classroom handing us these thick packages which were to be completed with our bench partners by the next class which was two days away which is great. Once every set of partners had their papers the teacher briefly gave us the instructions and then told us to start working and getting to know our lab partners, and with that Jack turned to me and was said "So do you wanna come to my house or should I got your yours to complete this assignment and get to know each other " and to be honest, I was kinda shocked by the fact that he even spoke that many words to me but I thought about it and responded to his question saying" My house after school today and tomorrow if that works for you ".

He sits and thinks for a while and then responds with a "Sure, I can come to your house today and tomorrow but is it alright if it's later because I have Lacrosse tryouts today and tomorrow " and to that, I responded " Sure whatever works for you give me your phone and I'll give you my number so you can call me after the tryout and I can tell you where I live" and with that, he hands me his now unlocked phone and I type my name and number in and send a text to myself from his phone so I can save him a contact.

Just like that class ends and it's finally time for lunch.


Well, I guess that was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be if I'm being honest.

When Conner asked me to find out what this Mason kid liked for some unknown reason I was a little taken back by the fact of the mater but I guess now when I tell him I got invited to Masons house I can bring him with me and he can do that himself whereas him and I will have plenty of work to do by how heavy this one assignment package feels.

But then I heard the lunch bell signaling that the second period was over I quickly packed up my stuff and bid Mason a quick goodbye to which he responded just as I was leaving with a goodbye as well and I'll see you later.

As I walked into the cafeteria I spotted some of the other jocks already at the table along with Conner and started walking towards the table. I sit in my usual seat across from Conner and immediately he is asking me about whether or not I found something out about Mason to which I said responded saying " No, well at least not yet I'm going to his house after tryouts today to work on an assignment with him, if you want you can come with me, I'm sure he wouldn't mind he seems really nice and laid back ". And with that, he said we will talk later because we have the last two classes of the day together and went back to communicating with the rest of the team.


As lunch continues I start having small conversations with some of the other people at our table but really and honestly all I can think of Mason and how I'm going to see him after school today and my god I can't wait for that. Anyways that thought was cut short when the bell rang out through the cafeteria signaling that we have 5 minutes to get to our next class which sadly for me was Math and none of my friends have it with me which makes it suck even more but whatever I'll survive.

As I start walking to the classroom I see the figure of Mason walking in front of me and immediately kick it into speed walking mode in which I catch up to him and just trail behind him to his class which just so happens to be my class as well. My god am I the luckiest kid in the world I have the smartest kid in the grade in my math class and I'm going to house later on. Maybe he could help me with my math when I don't understand it.

With that, he walks to the back of the class and takes a seat and to that, I sit right next to him and just stare at him with amusement but not noticing that I zoned out until I heard the sweetest voice ever saying something and it was none other then Mason sitting there waving his hand in front of my face asking if I was alright and to that, I just gave a simple "yeah, I'm fine " and immediately turned back in my seat facing the front of the class and immediately started feeling stupid. Conner that's the best you can do "yeah I'm fine" and the worst part is I didn't even ask him how he was doing himself, so selfish. My goodness can this day just be over so I can go to tryouts and then go spend a couple of hours at my crushes house, please.




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