Chapter 13

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After practice finished quickly, I rushed off of the field and into the changes to shower and get ready to go home, but I decided not to shower because they were all occupied, and I wasn't waiting another minute to see Mason.

I quickly threw on some masculine smelling deodorant and changed before bidding my team farewell.

As I was walking up the stairs to leave the school and meet Vic, where she said she and Mason would be waiting, I played all the possible scenarios in my head of what might happen during this conversation.

I can say that Mason was not getting away from the conversation, and he was leaving my friend, at least for now he was.

As I walked out, I saw Vic and Mason bidding farewell to none other than Dylan.

As I walked out outside, I see Mason tense up, and that made me want nothing more than to hug him and make him not feel nervous.

As I approached them, I saw that Mason was starting to turn away as if he was going to run away, but indeed, just when he was about to start running, Vic stepped in front of him and blocked him from doing so, leaving then him and I alone to talk through this and get to where we were before.

I started by saying "Mason, " to which he looked up at me with almost desperate eyes. For once, I could finally see that he was showing emotion in front of people after always being so stiff and emotionless around others.

I gave him a look of hope and practically begged him with my eyes to say something, anything if he will.

And with him finally preparing himself, he said something ." Conner, " and that was enough to give me hope that this might be something one day.


When I saw Conner, my first and only instinct was to run as I was not ready for what I was about to say or do.

When Conner said my name and gave me the look of hope and almost begging me to talk, I finally spoke and said his name, and right then and there, I swear he could've picked me up and never let me go.

I finally knew, though, that this was my only chance to let him know everything, how I feel and what I need, and who knows, maybe if he's willing to do all of these things, we might go somewhere.

"Conner," I started

" I first off want to start by saying sorry for everything that I have done to you and or made you feel these past couple of weeks. I just really had to wrap my head around certain things, and I had to understand that you were only doing what was best for you. Now for the hard part of this conversation, Conner, I don't know how you feel about me and what kind of emotions you feel for me. Still, I can promise you that we share the same ones; Conner, I have liked you ever since the beginning of high school, and I know that it might be hard for you to hear, but I honestly did think that we had a chance to be together but looking at it now it doesn't seem that we have a good opportunity. "

At those words being said, I could see Conner sadden but then say, " What is it that you want."

" What I want, Conner, is someone who I can be with and who I can show affection to when I feel like it and not have to sneak around and try and find times that work for them. I want someone I know is loyal, and I know will never cheat on me but will let me know how they feel. I want someone who is not going to be ashamed to be with me. These are all things that time after time you have proven me that you don't know how to do ".

" Do you think that you could give me these things and not care what others think, but care about the thing that matters and that being our relationship "?

Conner stood there looking so hurt by the fact that everything I just said is correct and that he is never going to be able to give me what I want.

With that, I just looked down at the ground with pure sadness as Conner did not attempt to say and or do anything to show me that everything I just said was at all false.

With this being said, I bid farewell to Conner in an almost whisper-like voice and walked over to Vic and said goodbye to her as well, and then headed over to my Range Rover, which I then got into and couldn't help but start crying.

When I finally got the strength to stop crying and eventually prepare to drive, all I saw was Vic yelling at Conner and Conner looking like he was about to cry.

I feel bad for him cause I know how much he likes me through the actions he has shown and done in the past, but I can't be the only one who puts in work. If he is not going to put in the effort and work as well, then I guess he and I, as I said, will never be.


When I saw that Mason was trying to escape from the conversation With Conner, I put a stop to that as quick as I could as there is nothing I want then to see two of my best friends together but my god, who knew it would be this hard.

Shortly after Conner arrived at the group, I was asked to give them some privacy, but at the same time, I was afraid to leave them alone as I knew what Mason was going to say, and I knew what Conner's reaction was going to be to it.

Yes, I'm just that good.

As I leave them alone and make my way over to the bench to sit down as this may take a while, I hear them start talking. Everything seems to be going okay by the looks of it, so I go back to scrolling through my Instagram feed that is until roughly 20 minutes I hear someone say goodbye to me and not even wait for a response. When I look up, it is a hurt and saddened Mason who was walking right by me to his car looking like he was about to cry, which he did when he finally got to his car and was all alone.

Then I look over at Conner and see that he looks broken and know that he is angry not at Mason but himself but for what I'm not sure.

I guess this is where I come in and find out what in the hell just happened.






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