Chapter 22

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It was a brand new week and it was time to start getting ready for all of the games we were going to be playing this season from me and my Lacrosse games to mason and his Volleyball games.

As I walked into school this morning though something felt off.

It felt as though something big was going to happen and I had no clue what it was. Shockingly enough I was at school today before Mason which rarely ever happens, but I think nothing of it.

I continue to my locker and see Vic standing by my locker looking a little worried.

As I approached my locker she tells to speed up with her drastic hand gestures and so I do and right when I get there she starts telling me everything she knows so far.

A few new kids were joining our school as of today which I had no problem with.

Vic then also tells me that these are Mason's friends from his old school before he transferred here and when she says that I start to worry. I never really met any of Mason's friends so I hope they are nice people because the last thing that I need is for them to dislike me and then make mine and Mason's somewhat relationship harder than it already has been.

As the morning went on and got closer to the start of school Jack eventually showed up and so did a few of my other buddies and we all started talking about random things. That was until the doors swung open and I saw Mason with 6 other kids behind him walk in those doors and for once the school hallways were dead silent. Everyone just stood there and watched in amazement as these posh-looking gods and goddesses walked down the hall with none other than Mason leading them.

Once everyone snapped out of their gazes the hallways broke out in so much chatter you probably couldn't even hear yourself think. All I could think about though after the grand entrance was this is going to be harder than I thought cause I know Mason isn't always flexing his money but today he was they all were for that matter which worries me because what if they don't like me caused they don't fit in.


With that, the bell rang and everyone that was all in the halls headed to the appropriate class and went about anything but a regular day.

As I walked into the first period my mind was elsewhere due to the events that happened not too long ago. Sure enough, though I made sure that I got it together and made sure that I participated in a class that day.

After that second period went by super fast as it was lunchtime before I even realized it.

When I eventually got to the cafeteria for lunch I didn't see Mason but sure enough soon after I took A seat Mason and his little group of friends came walking into the cafeteria as well and I saw a whole new side of Mason that I never thought I would see.

Mason walked up to a table that was full and found his seat to which once he was seated then all the others sat as well.

It was clear that Mason felt extremely comfortable right now in his surroundings due to the other kids that were around him.

He was the leader of the group and much like me and my friends they were all jocks as well which means that they would probably try to get on the sports teams that have already started and would mean more competition for the teams that have yet to have started yet.

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