Chapter 26

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When I heard the doorbell ring downstairs I knew that my brothers would do their jobs and make sure that Connor would not be getting into this house. That is until I heard their voices speaking to him and then I could faintly hear Connors's voice as well begging my brothers to allow him to see me and explain himself.

The next thing I heard was my brothers closing the door on Connor and him pushing it right back open and barging in as I could hear the footsteps. Then I heard a small thud and I heard my dads voice which is very audible say " So you're the guy that's been pissing my kid off and him making cry all the time " and at that, I just shut my door and decided that I was going to sit in my room and do nothing but read.


When I heard Mason's door upstairs close I knew he was done listening to whatever I was saying to his brothers and then I was left with 4 sets of eyes staring at me but the only 1 I cared about right now is Mason's father. They were piercing blue just like Masons and stared a hole right through you.

The way the dad was looking at me was a look that could kill because the last time I had to fight for Mason I promised that I wouldn't hurt him again and now here I am again fighting for him for another one of my dumb mistakes.

Like honestly how could I think that I was going to get away with trying to get him to be my boyfriend but also have god knows what her name is now as my girlfriend still.

My god trying to keep up this whole straight guy for the school was not as easy as I thought it was going to be and now here I am about to explain why my crush is upstairs right now crying about something that I so stupidly did.

When the dad told the brothers to go to their rooms I became even more scared than before. I've never actually spoken to Mason's Dad one on one before and my god it's terrifying.

The dad brings me into his office and says" you have as long as it takes for you to try and explain to me why I should try to convince my son to give you one last chance.

I sit there for a few minutes thinking over everything I am going to do to my dad and then begin to babble on saying everything that would make it sound like I wasn't an ass and a pretty genuine person once you look past all the bullshit.

When I was finished I sat there in silence while his dad was processing everything I did and by the looks of it, it seemed like he was weighing out what he would do to help me if anything even.

The dad went to go ay something but then boom the door slams open behind him and in comes a somewhat angry-looking Mason. He immediately greets his dad then tells me to follow him and the dad motions for me to follow.

Mason takes me down to the super cool basement they have and into a room that seems to look like it's soundproof. Once inside Mason looks at me and says one work and with that one word I know that this is my very last chance to prove to him that I do want to be with him and no one else.

"WHY". Mason says.

I take a deep breath and look him dead in his eyes I then begin to speak and this is what I said.

" Mason, you have no idea how sorry I am and words can't even begin to explain how sorry I am for confusing you with how I feel for you. Me and that girl god I can't even remember her name right now are nothing and I will do anything to show you that. You are the one I want to be with, no one else and I am now determined to prove this to you. I have asked your brother for help and they did help and then I blew it and now the only thing I have left to show you how much I like you and am into you is if I am myself and make you see the side of me that very few have ever seen before.

So I guess what I'm saying is I would appreciate it if you would give me one more, just one more chance to prove to you that I do indeed care about you at the end of the day. I swear that this time I won't mess up and lose you again"

I sit there breathlessly after explaining how I feel and look up to see Mason's stunning face. I can tell by the look on his face that he is very much contemplating what is happening and what the pros and cons are of possibly being with me and right now I'm hoping the pros are outweighing the cons.

He went to go say something but then closed his mouth and then went back to thinking.

He finally opened his mouth again and this time something came out.

" Conner I have always felt the same way about you but every time I have given you a chance you have consistently found someway to mess it up and honestly it's getting to the point where either you smarten up and show me that you're serious or you are going to have to let me go and let me move on my way"

Once he said those words it was evident what needed to be done.

And so I did it






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