Chapter 1

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Hello everyone ! This is the first official chapter of this book so I hope everyone enjoys and don't forget to comment and vote in  this book

^ above is a photo of Conner played by Kio Cyr

Conner POV

   Today was the day. It was the first day of my senior year and man, after the summer I've had I can't wait to be back in school with all my friends but mainly because I get to see my crush of four years  Mason. He is an absolute God in my eyes and nobody could tell me otherwise.

Right now I was in my room getting ready for school when I decided that today I was going to dress attractively to hopefully try and catch Masons' eyes. So with that being said I threw on a pair of faded blue jeans with some rips in the knees of them and a mint green polo shirt and to finish off the look I threw on some white Air Force 1's. As I finished getting dressed I heard my mom call my name from downstairs saying that breakfast was ready, so with that I grabbed my school bag and started my way down the stairs.

Once downstairs my whole family was just a tad taken back by how well dressed I was as they now I only ever get dressed up for special occasions or for when I'm trying to impress someone.

"I guess someone is either really happy to go to school, or they're really excited to see someone, " my mom said which made me chuckle a little bit as my family are the only people who know a)that I'm gay and b) that I like Mason, ALOT! "Good morning to you as well mom" I respond followed by greeting my dad (Sam) , my twin brother (Martin), and my younger sister (Bella) hoping that this would throw my mother off my trail of why I'm dressed so nice needless to say it didn't because right after I finished greeting everyone she went right back to the topic of how I was dressed so nicely and how she wished that I would dress more often and not just for certain occasions.

Anyways shortly after grabbing a bite to eat with my family I headed tot he bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly before heading out to my car and leaving for school which I hope I'm not late for. Good thing that the school is only a 20-minute drive away from my house because if traffic cooperated with me then I would have plenty of time to catch up with friends and get to my first-period class on time, which for me is a rare thing.

15 minutes later

As I pull into the school parking lot a couple of minutes early I get my schedule out and see that I have English first period with Ms. Wright. As I get out of the car I see my teammates on all hanging around on the front steps of the school calling my name to come over to them and say hi.

As I arrive at the group they are packing up as we are going to start making our way to our first-period class and so we talk and catch up with each other until the bell rings and everybody goes their separate ways except for me my best friends Jack and Vic which is short for Victoria obviously as we all had the same first class.

As we arrive at the English class we see that the door is already open and just walk right in and see we see that there are still seats in the back which is where we gravitated once we seen them. As class began I looked around and seen that sadly Mason wasn't in this class that was until the door opened and the most handsome boy walked through the door. It was none other than the one, the only MASON!

I hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter of this story :)



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