Chapter 11- The Visit

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ahhh i'm back kinda-ish again i'm sorry i literally don't have any more motivation to write lander 😩 crackships have taken over my life. i'll try my best to continue this book but chapters may be coming out at a slow pace now. other than that hope you enjoy the chapter and the discord server link will be out soon i promise i just need some more time and such! anyways see you lovely's i hope to see your comments, i try to read them all. :]

Daisy had face palmed in disappointment. But soon letting go of her gloomy face as she took charge once again making Zander drop her hand. After what seemed an hour the walk there was over. They had made it. Soon stepping onto the property that was a small looking cottage. She had raised her hand as she put her hand on the door as she began to knock on it.

Daisy: "Hey so what's this person's name anyways?"

Zander: "Her name is-"

The door soon opened revealing a blue haired maiden.

Daisy: "Stacy?-"

Stacy: "Daisy?! W-what are you doing here?"

Daisy: "So this is the girl you were talking about" she turned facing the others vibrant purple eyes, as the sun hit her face.

Stacy: "Who are you talking to-" she looked at the white haired maiden in confusion but turning the direction she had turned her head to seeing the one she was talking about. "Zander- Well it's lovely seeing you again! But also why are you here?"

Zander: "Sadly I can't say the same" he sighed as a simple ouch came from Daisy's mouth. "Anyways enough chit chat, I need your help."

Stacy: "Oh is that all?" raising her eyebrow then slamming the door. A slight breeze hitting both Daisy and Zander's face. Soon a mutter coming from Daisy's mouth, "That's my girl."

Zander: "Hm? Did you say something?"

Daisy: "Ah no I didn't it was the- the wind! Yeah the wind." soon letting a sigh out in relief.

Zander: "Come on Stacy! Let us in come on- We just ask of one thing open the door please!"

Daisy: "You sound desperate let me do this. Hey Stacy it's me we need your help and you're gonna help us whether you like it or not. Now either open this door or I will break it down."

Stacy: "Wait wait- I'll open it.." her voice shaking.

Daisy: "I wasn't really gonna do it I was just playing with you. But now that the door is open might as well come in." she winked walking in. "Come on dork you coming?" she said turning to Zander.

Zander: "OH- Sorry."

Zander stepped in as the hard wood floor creaked. All setting themselves down on near by chairs and table. The home itself was small and cozy.

Stacy: "What is it you want." she said in a cold and bitter tone.

Daisy: "No need for that, we just came to tell you that Luke is in trouble and needs your help."

Stacy: "I'm listening."

Daisy stared and Zander to continue.

Zander: "Ah- Luke is locked up in the Kingdom cellar."

Stacy: "Again? That idiot-"

Zander: "Hey!"

Daisy: "I mean she's not wrong." sipping the tea that the young maiden had poured the both of them as they entered the cottage.

Stacy: "What would you like me to do exactly?"

Zander: "Well that's the thing Luke said you would know."

Stacy: "Don't tell me he wants to go ahead with that plan- It's risky and it'll get us all killed."

Daisy: "Well whatever it is he wants you to go through with it."

Stacy: "Alright- Let's get ready then." she smiled under her breath.

A/N: HI IM ALIVE- sorry i haven't had much motivation to write lander but i'll be publishing a new book soon ;) let's say it involves one of my favorite ships aka draisy (drew x daisy) and it might involve some jander/lander SO WATCH OUT FOR THAT AS THIS BOOK WRAPS UP ANYWAYS BYEE

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