Chapter 4 - The Library

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IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE A WEEK- I haven't had many ideas for this book. Soo yeah. Anyways please vote as it helps me out a lot!! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

We walk to the carriage as confetti is being thrown. And cheers are filling the air. But I wasn't worried about that. I was worried for Luke. He had soon disappeared after the rings were given. Where could he be? I had held Daisy's hand and got her on the carriage. I had to find Luke. But before I could even leave a hand stops me.

Daisy: "Where are you going?"

Zander: " I need to find Luke."

She lets go of my hand a giving a sympathetic smile.

Now to find Luke. Where could he be? There's only one place I could think of. The Library.

Zander: "Luke?"

He turns around as I see his golden eyes filled with tears.

I run up to him as I put my hand on his cheek. Placing a small kiss on his forehead.

Zander: "What's the matter my love?"

Luke: "Well after you kissed Daisy all I thought about was losing you."

Zander: "You couldn't possibly ever lose me, I'm yours. Like we promised."

10 years ago (they were like 11-ish)

Luke: "Come on Zander! You're too slow."

He said turning back and letting out a small giggle.

Zander: "Luke no fair you ran up first!"

Luke: "Whine all you want!! But the last one up is the goblin!".

We had both ran up as fast as our little legs could possibly take us. As we both got to the top out of breath we laid on the ground staring up at the clouds. A silence had filled the air it was calm.

Luke: "You know Zander, I'll always love you. And one day we'll get married and have 2 kids!".

I had covered my blush with my hands and let out a small giggle.

Zander: "Luke! You can't promise that! We're still so young".

He gets up and sits staring at his small bag he had carried on our walk. Then slowly pulled out something.

Luke: "Well here's one thing I can promise, that I'll always be by your side." he said laying the lilac flower crown on my head.

Zander: "And I'll always be beside yours till the end." I say getting up as I lay a small kiss on his cheek.

Zander: "I love you."

Luke: "I love you too."

We both said as we held hands. All I knew then was that I would love him till the very end. Because he's my knight in shining armor.

Flash back over

I hold his head with both of my hands wiping his tears away.

Zander: "I know it's hard but like you said after this is all over we'll get married and have two kids."

He lets out a small chuckle, wiping away the rest of his tears.

Zander: "Just a little longer and I promise we'll have our good ending. Like those fairytales we got told when we were youngsters."

Luke: "Ok my prince." he says sarcastically placing a bitter sweet kiss on my lips.

"I love you"

Word Count: 591 words

A/N I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT. I just kinda don't have motivation to write at the moment. I've been feeling a little stuck. But i hope you still enjoyed this bitter sweet chapter. Also as i published this in writing a new chapter for "Falling Again" so yee.

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