Chapter 5 - He's Dead

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HEY YOU I GOTTA TELL YOU SOMETHING!! Are you a fan of the music freaks? Do you wanna fangirl over ships and make friends along the way? Well join "The Music Freaks Unofficial Fanbase" we will be having a Halloween party the 31st. And we would love for you to attend! I the writer of "The Janitor's Closet" and "Falling Again" am even in the server! So you might even get to talk to me. (even though i'm not special) We celebrate birthdays, have game nights, and even host contest.  If you have discord we would love for you to join!^^


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(Before this starts this chapter will include homophobia, death, and abuse please click off if you aren't comfortable with these topics

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(Before this starts this chapter will include homophobia, death, and abuse please click off if you aren't comfortable with these topics.)

Time skip
Months Later

Zander: "You wish to speak to me?"

Father: "Yes, we need to discuss a certain 'thing' that the guards had found you doing in the library."

Zander: "What could you ever mean father?"

Father: "Don't play stupid with me. It's quite a idiotic move on your part. And if you don't know of such. What are these?"

He pulls out photo of Luke and I holding hands one evening in the library.

Zander: "How did you?-"

Father: "I have my ways. Honestly my only son how could you do this to me? I should've gotten rid of that boy a long time ago. Look what he's done to you! You're sick-"

Zander: "He did no such thing. I have always been like this. Maybe if you actually talked to me instead of isolating everyone who didn't give you something you wanted, you would've known!"

Father: "How dare you raise you voice at me."

He slams his hand into the desk while he stands up.

Father: "That boy has intoxicated you! You're no son of mine until you stop with this foolishness."

Zander: "Like I said he did nothing! I love him-"

Father: "You don't love him. You're just ill. You can't love a boy! First Hailey now you? Can I have one kid who isn't a disappointment."

Zander: "Don't you dare speak bad about Hailey. Mother would've been proud she escaped this hell hole!"

Father: "We don't talk about your mother especially a disappointment like you!"

He had raised his hand as I had braced for impact. Closing my eyes, even when it wouldn't do anything. Then covering my ears hoping I wouldn't hear those slurs he was screaming out. All I heard was muffled. He hadn't been this aggressive in years. Then silence.

What the- I opened my eyes slowly. Letting my hands go from my ears. All I saw was blood, a gun, and Daisy with Luke beside her.

My breathing had gotten heavier as I looked at his body that laid on the ground. My vision was blurry. What the hell happened.

Zander: "Dad! No this can't be happening?!"

I pulled his chest next to my ear.


"He's dead."

Daisy: "That asshole deserved it."

I couldn't wrap my head around what just happened. He couldn't be dead. Right?!

Luke: "Are you okay Zander?" he says as he falls to his knees next to me. Wrapping his hands around me.

Zander: "He's dead."

Daisy: "Look you can't break on us now. Hurry we need to get rid of this body."

Luke: "Daisy! He's clearly not in a good mindset. I mean you literally just killed his father."

Daisy: "That asshole of a father deserved it. He made everyone want to kill themselves."

Zander: "YOU KILLED HIM! Why would you do that?!"

Daisy: "So you would've rather just had him beat the shit out of you? Look I did it for your safety. Now we have to get this body out of here, I have a perfect place where we can leave it."

Luke: "Yeah Daisy is right we need to get him out of here. His blood might stain the floor and we both know that's gonna be a pain to clean up".

Daisy: "You're right if leave the body here any longer they'll know something is up, we have to get a move on."

Time skip

Daisy: "He sure was heavy."

Luke: "Heavier than the other ones."

Zander: "What do you mean other ones? You've done this before?!-"

Luke: "Don't worry about it love"

He says, slowly holding my face with his bloody hands.

Daisy: "Ready?"

Luke: "Mhm"

They take his body and drop it off at the river as it slowly begins to float away.

Zander: "What now?"

Daisy: "We need to get out of these clothes and after today we don't speak of this. Is that clear?"

Luke: "Got it."

Daisy: "Zander are we clear?"

Zander: "Huh? Oh yeah."

A/N ANOTHER CHAPTER FINISHED NDNDJD i know it's like bad but still hope you liked it. Anyways join the server if you'd like it honestly really fun!! Anyways see y'all next chapter.

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