Chapter 12 - Qari

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Stacy: "Don't tell me he wants to go ahead with that plan- It's risky and it'll get us all killed."

Daisy: "Well whatever it is he wants you to go through with it."

Stacy: "Alright- Let's get ready then." she smiled under her breath.


Zander: "So what is it we're doing?"

Stacy: "I need to pack, but for you two you can do whatever. But be ready to leave soon."

Zander & Daisy both nodding as they explore the home.

Zander: "So, Daisy"

She lifts her head up from staring at the photo album Stacy had kept at her bookshelf. Letting out a small "Hm?".

Zander: "How do you know Stacy?"

Daisy: "Well, before I moved here we met in the village when we were younger, we clicked so quickly. When I had to leave, she had left as well. I didn't ask why, frankly I didn't know of Stacy's past until now.. she's never mentioned it.

Zander: "If you two were childhood friends then how did you not know anything I mean she was on the run, there couldn't possibly be a place she wouldn't get recognized-"

Daisy: "We always met at this small garden near my village, leaving gifts, letters, you know the normal penpal things. But I never asked where she had moved to as I didn't have time either to travel far.

Zander: "Are you upset she kept this from you I mean I would-"

Daisy shut the album as she walked towards Stacy they mumbled words and gave a few glares, don't know exactly what they were talking about but it sure left Daisy in a quite of a mood as she went outside. Stacy sighed as she grabbed her satchel.

Stacy: "Come on we have to go"

Zander: "What was that all about?"

Stacy: "It-" she stood there for a second looking confused then muttering the next few words every so softly so I could only hear them. "It doesn't matter let's head out."

The trip back itself was awkward, they had both gave glares every once in a while until we stumbled across a pond.

Zander: "I need to get clean it's been a horrendous walk, wait here while I go refreshen I'll be right back". The honest truth being I did wanna freshen up but I also had to get out of there quick. I couldn't bear being in that silence for much longer. They both nod as I walk off.

Stacy: "Daisy.."

Daisy: "I don't want to talk about this here."

Stacy: "Daisy just hear me out please"

She sighed soon speaking up.
Daisy: "I suppose I haven't been listening to your side, continue."

Stacy: "I apologize for not telling you, I felt as if I couldn't-"

Daisy: "But why didn't you tell me you had money issues? I could've helped you, you know that"

Stacy: "I do but I couldn't ask that of you, I wouldn't walk you to thing I'm in it for the riches"

Daisy: "Stace, I love you so much and you're truly my best friend but you can't just resort to stealing."

Stacy: "I know, but I could always trade those items for a pretty penny which would help my father. Also I would be able to see you and I'd rather have that than anything because Daisy I-"

Zander: " I'm back apologizes it took so long- I'm sorry did I interrupt something?"

Stacy: "No you didn't, we should hurry before it gets dark"

Daisy: "But Stace-"

Soon again we traveled in silence. Just tree branches and the wind to be heard. Then there it was, my kingdom, Qari.

words: 632 words

A/N ;
sorry that was so short but i got a little motivation to write again there will be shorter chapters but hopefully more of them soon

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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