Chapter 8 - Tension

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A/N I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving if you celebrate it. Anyways let's get into the chapter because you are all dying to know what happens to Luke.

Also I apologize for not updating, i haven't been feeling the best mentally. And I currently have finals week so things have been kicking my ass recently. I really hope this chapter was worth the wait. Although i personally don't like it i had to get a chapter out.


Drew one of the high ranked police barges into the room without any warning.

Daisy: "Now why enter in such a hurry?"

Drew: "My apologize, but I have something to announce."

Zander: "Well what is it?"

Drew: "Luke Coltone you have been arrested for the murder of the King, anything you say will be used against you in a court of law."

Zander: "What how is this possible?"

Drew: "We've found evidence and it all leads to Luke."

Daisy: "What evidence? I was with him the whole week it couldn't have been Luke."

Drew: "Well we have a court day set, get a good lawyer Luke because it isn't looking good for you."

Zander: "How is this even possible?! It just isn't!"

Luke: "Calm down Zander everything will be fine, just call her."

Zander: "Who-"

No he couldn't need her. We haven't seen her since- Thosands of thoughts filled my mind as I was silent in confusion. My mouth went dry, it felt like my throat was collapsing as I just stood there. I don't know how I did it but words soon came out with a croaky voice.

"No I will never need her help ever again-"

Drew: "Now come on"
Drew soon put the rustiest pair of handcuffs I have ever seen if my life. Shortly putting the cuffs on Luke leaving little to no space.

Luke: "Zander just do it!-"

As they both left the room Daisy turned to me with a confused look on her face.

Daisy: "What was Luke talking about?"

Zander: "Her-"

Daisy: "Who is 'her'?"

Zander: "Uh nothing-"

Daisy looks at me with the coldest eyes i've ever seen as she slams her hand on the table. I jump in fright. I've never seen her like this. She must really wanna know- But I can't tell her about, about h-her.

Daisy: "Who is this 'her'?

Zander: "Well, she's someone Luke and I had met during our youth."

Daisy: "Then why do you seem to be so nervous about talking about 'her'? Is there a reason?"

Zander: "Look she's bad news, hell the whole kingdom doesn't know where she is, one day she just disappeared without a trace behind. Well there's actually 2 people in the whole kingdom that know of her surroundings."

Daisy: "And they are?.."

Zander: "Luke and I. Before she left she had told us to come whenever in case things had gotten to corruption as the kingdom had feared. Especially since my father was about to take the throne for one last year. We all knew him. He wanted to end things with a bang, he was- Yet I don't know what changed his mind. Sorry I'm rambling."

Daisy: "It's fine. But how come you've never spoken of her?"

Zander: "Well many reasons, she's on the run from the police."

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