Chapter 7 - Haunted Memories

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ahem thank you for 1k reads and 50+ followers on wattpad SHHZHS I haven't been updating since i'm currently having so many tests and school work is a drag. Anyways i shouldn't be dragging this out because you've been waiting a week for a new chapter and this is one of my favorite book plots i've written so let's carry on yeah ok i'm actually dragging this out- sorry OK TO THE ACTUAL CHAPTER

My mind was everywhere. His body. Dead. He's dead. My mouth had went dry. As it had tasted of vomit. I had rushed to the bathroom. Bumping everyone I ran into while getting there. I had slammed the door open in a rush. Falling right next to the toilet as my food that I had eaten before was all coming back. I guess he was right i'm sick. I couldn't get the image of his body out my head.

Luke: "Zander you in here?"

He knocks. Then again, as he slowly opens the door. Seeing my ill face he drops to the ground putting his hand on my cheek. Wiping the tears that ran down my face before he spoke up in that soft voice I love.

Luke: "Hey what's wrong love?"

Zander: "What if they find out? Although I know my father is- was a wicked man he didn't deserve death. No one deserves death. Yet his dead body haunts my mind. It's like I can't escape him wether dead or alive."

Luke: "Don't worry we'll work this out. I promise."

As we sit on the floor trying to forget the horrible thoughts that emerge. The sun falls into the horizon as the moon glows like a newly polished pearl. As I being to doze off Luke stands up wakening me from my tired state.

Luke: "Come on we have to get you out of here before they think another member of the royal family has gone missing. We also can't have people suspecting us especially since we're all suspects at this point."

He pulls out his hand as I grab it. He leads us to my bedroom. I open the door as he leaves for the workers quad. But before he left I placed a small peck on his cheek, as he walked off with that smile that I adore. I turn around closing the door to see the quiet room. I walk to my side table grabbing the photo of my mother. Would she really be proud of am I being delusional? Well no one would really know the answer would they? I slowly walk towards my bed picking up my night wear. I head towards the bathroom as I change. Tomorrow is a new day.

Time skip
The sun rises and shines, the sound of the birds chipping can be heard from a distance. The day felt new and lively. It's been a while since a day has felt so well. I get dressed making my way to the dinning room. The smell of pancakes fill the room, I sit down pouring the syrup on my fluffy pancakes. I see Luke enter the room as he fills our glasses with freshly squeezed orange juice.

Drew one of the high ranked police barges into the room without any warning.

Daisy: "Now why enter in such a hurry?"

Drew: "My apologize, but I have something to announce."

Zander: "Well what is it?"

Drew: "Luke Coltone you have been arrested for the murder of the King, anything you say will be used against you in a court of law."

A/N i'm very sorry for not updating i've been kinda busy but hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also I suggest for you to join my discord server for chapters 30 minutes earlier than wattpad users! The link will be on my page.

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