42. Troy Roman

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Troy P.O.V

Date: December 15, 2238

"Guys, get out of there now!" Jax's voice sounded in my ear. His anxiousness bleeds clearly through with each word. "They're coming out the side door!"

"Fuck! We need a distraction. We can't meet up with Ryder with these things following behind us." I gritted out through clenched teeth, pushing hard against the door. "Any ideas?"

"I-" Dean Winston gasped and jerked his head back, dodging a pair of claws aiming for his cheek. Keeping his weight braced against the door, he sidestepped to the right, backing out of their reach.

"You okay?" Maverick asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just... here." He shrugged the black backpack off his shoulders one at a time before passing it to Maverick. "There should be something in there that can help."

Maverick quickly unzipped the bag and looked inside.

"You should be able to handle that." Dean Winston continued.

"Yes, sir. I can."

"Wha-" I started, but Maverick rushed off to the control room before I could finish.

Well, whatever it was, he better do it fast. I couldn't keep this up much longer. My arms shook, struggling to maintain the force needed to keep the gap in the door as narrow as possible. Closed wasn't an option. The wiry beasts on the other side made sure of that.

"Ross said you wouldn't listen." Dean Winston said.

"Oh, yeah? Then where's backup?"

"No backup, just me."

"Mave-" My foot slipped, and the door cracked open wide enough for a bloody chin to pop over the edge. Dean Winston groaned and sidestepped closer to me while keeping his weight against the door.

"The bombs are set," Maverick announced. "Let's go!"

My head whipped toward him. "What?!"

"No time for questions. We need to get the fuck out of here!"

"You won't get an argument from me. Ready, Troy?" Dean Winston huffed, gesturing with his chin to the exit.

I gave a brisk nod. It's not like there were any other options in the matter besides staying here and dying. And I had no plans of doing that anytime soon.


We pushed off the door and raced down the hallway behind Maverick. Behind us, the door banged against the wall, buckling underneath the mutants' force and determination to free themselves. I gritted my teeth, suppressing the urge to turn around and look. It was human instinct to do so, but those that did often ended up dead. I refused to be one of them, so I kept my eyes on my goal. The exit.

The sound of feet rapidly slapping the linoleum reverberated off the bare walls, raising the goosebumps on my arms. It was the perfect motivation to keep going.

I raised my arm, covering my face from the icy blast of air as we burst through the doors exiting the building.

"We're out, Jax. Heading towards Ryder now." I informed him. My voice came out fast and jittery as if I had just chugged a shit ton of caffeine.

A garbled response sounded in my ear.

"Jax!" I shouted, tapping the earpiece.


Crap! Something must be interfering with the earpiece, or it just simply malfunctioned. Either way, it didn't matter as long as everyone was heading towards Ryder.

I glanced over my shoulder, checking if Dean Winston was keeping up with us, only to find the space behind me empty.

"Maverick!" I shouted before tracking back to the warehouse. Dean Winston leaned against the doors, his legs braced slightly apart.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Buying you guys some time." He growled, sliding forward as the door cracked open. His boots scraped against the concrete as ravenous snarls seeped through the opening.

"What?! No! Let's go!"

"Listen!" He snapped, shoving back against the door, attempting to lessen the opening. "None of us will make it out of here if one of us doesn't hold them back. So you two go and catch up with your friends."

"No, we-" Maverick started, only to be stunned into silence at the continuous crack of gunshots through the trees.

In the very same direction where we were supposed to make our escape. And where Nova was currently leading everyone to Ryder.

"Nova! Nova!" I called, shakily tapping the earpiece.

The pit in my stomach churned while waiting with bated breath for her response. Time slowly dragged by with no answer.

"Di-did she reply?" Dean Winston stammered, struggling with the door.

"No," Maverick answered solemnly.

Dean Winston let out a deep sigh. "Go. Go find them!"

I glanced between him and the trees. While the decision wasn't a simple one, it'd already been made. My heart was out there somewhere, and there was no convincing him.

"Alright, alright. On the other side of the building heading north through the trees, there's an uh... electric handcar on the train tracks. It's less than one-third of a mile away. You can use it to get you out."

"Got it." He repeatedly nodded. "As soon as you two reach the treeline. I'll lead them the other way. Now go!"

I handed him my gun before Maverick and I headed for the trees again. Less than a foot away, a loud blast knocked us off our feet. There was no time to brace as I hit the ground hard, and darkness took over. 

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