13. Troy Roman

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Troy (Male P.O.V)

Date: October 1, 2238

I hate Mondays.

No, scratch that.

I fucking despise them.

Especially this one.

It was the day after Family Day. And since breakfast, I'd done nothing but dodge question after question about yesterday's incident. Everyone wanted to know the truth- my classmates, the upperclassmen, and even the fucking Freshmen dared approach me. But my size and the fact I looked like a madman when pissed made them quickly scurry away.

All except for him.

The scowl on my face deepened as Larry crossed the gym, coming straight toward me. I wouldn't be surprised if the wrinkles didn't spell out the words "Fuck off". And by chance they did, I doubted Larry would notice or care.

Ignoring the burning stares of my classmates from across the room, I stretched my left leg back, preparing for the start of class as Larry sidled up beside me.

"Why are you here? Did you fail this class or something?" I asked, mildly curious about his appearance since this wasn't his class but also hoping to piss him off so he would leave me alone.

"No, I didn't fail." He calmly stated, not taking the bite. "Joseph, the usual teacher's assistant, missed a few classes, so Sergeant Carter asked me to fill in."

I nodded once.

"What happened yesterday?" He whispered, bumping his shoulder into mine. I stumbled, losing my grip on my shoe and dropping my leg back to the ground.

"What makes you think I know?"

"Because... My dad and I saw you from his classroom before they cleared the main building and took us down to the shelter. Plus, the word around school is that you did."

"Well, I don't. So drop it." I snapped.

There were too many unanswered questions floating around in my head. And until I could make sense of everything, I wasn't sharing.

"Okkay." He fell silent for ten seconds before turning to me with his hands in his pockets. "Are you going to participate in the games?"

I grunted, neither confirming nor denying if I would before walking off toward the bleachers and leaving him standing there.

But before I could get too far, he asked, "How long have you and Jax known each other?"

I stopped and turned back to face him. My face was devoid of all emotions as I stared at him. "A couple of years. Why?"

"I just wanted to know." He shrugged half heartedly and crossed his arm over his chest. "Thought I'd get to know him a little better. That's all."

I stepped closer, a snarl curling my lips. "And what's responsible for this sudden interest? Huh?"

He uncrossed his arms and stepped forward until we stood toe to toe. "Cause I know that weak bastard doesn't belong here."

"Oh yeah?" I tilted my head and looked down at him, trying to appear calm. But inside, I was anything but. "And what makes you think that?"

"Everything. Look at him! He's skinny as fuck and physically incapable of keeping up with his peers in training. Hell, the Freshmen are better than him. And they're fucking shite, mate."


"So I know he didn't earn that spot on his own. Someone had to help him. And as soon as I find proof, he's gone, and so is anyone that's trying to protect him."

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