7. Nova Rose

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Nova (Female P.O.V)

Date: September 15, 2238

I was trying to run, but the thick snow swallowed one of my purple boots. There was no time to jerk the boot free before I was swept up into strong arms. Burying my face against the solid chest only momentarily protected me from the biting wind. I didn't see the danger, but I felt it stalking our every movement. Fear caused my small lungs to seize, making it difficult to breathe. A glance over the shoulder only revealed blurred figures, gaining on us. The hurried footsteps came to a complete stop at the sound of the piercing scream.

My eyes sprang open as my body jolted forward, sitting upright in my bed. My abrupt awakening disrupted the images playing in my brain, but the rest of my body was still experiencing the effects of the dream. I placed one of my hands over my chest, lightly patting and trying to soothe my racing heartbeat. While my other hand lay beside me, balled into a fist and ready to defend myself from an unexpected threat.

After a few seconds had passed, I slowly uncurled each finger and reached up to wipe away the beads of sweat along my hairline.

My eyes darted around the room, straining in the darkness to make out the familiar figures. After I gave up on waiting for my eyes to adjust, I looked at the window as the shimmering moonlight peeked through the holes in the flaps of the blinds. It cast small beams of moonlight on top of the two desks in the middle of the room. I briefly contemplated reaching over to open the blinds to let the moonlight fill the room and help calm my nerves.

But the sound of Stacy's, my roommate, sheets rustling as she rolled onto her side drew my attention. She sighed as she nestled deeper in her sheets, blissfully unaware of my sudden consciousness. I scoffed, rubbing my hands over my eyes, not worrying about waking her since I knew Stacy was a heavy sleeper.

At least one of us would get some sleep tonight. I untangled my sheets that had wrapped around my legs, trapping me. After scooting to the edge of the bed I placed my feet in my fuzzy slippers, finding them easily since I always put them in the same place.

Shit! I couldn't believe after two years of peaceful sleep that my nightmares had returned, reminding me of the last time I had seen my parents. I hated that I was too young to remember what had exactly happened that night, and now I was just being tortured with these brief nightmares. I reached my hand up my fingertips grazing the silver heart-shaped locket around my neck that held the only pictures I had of my parents.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts and hoping a shower would wash them away. After my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I stood up and moved towards my dresser. I slid open the bottom drawer where I kept my pajamas, picked out the clothes on top, and closed the drawer. With my clothes in hand, I headed towards the open dark doorway of the bathroom.

Sometimes it was just easier to forget than to face your problems.


The elevator dinged as the doors slid open. I stepped off onto the basement floor, dragging a full hamper behind me. After my shower, I had snuggled back into my sheets and tried to fall asleep. With each second that passed, I became envious of my roommate's peaceful slumbering. Eventually, I gave up and just decided to do my laundry.

Hopefully, the tedious task would drain some of my restless energy and allow me to sleep.

Sighing, I followed the red arrow signs on the white brick walls to the laundry room. The smacking of my flip-flops against the linoleum floor echoed throughout the hall with each step until I reached the open doorway.

No one was inside, but a few of the machines were going. I quickly find two of the nearest free washers and separate my clothes into each.

Once I finished, I grabbed one of the detergent bottles off the shelf above it only to discover it was empty, and so was every other one I tried after it.

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