11. Nova Rose

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Nova (Female P.O.V) 

Date: September 30, 2238

"Whoa, whoa! Where are you going with the ladder?" Troy asked, stepping in front of Stacy and me stopping us from walking. The large crowd milled around us as we stood in the middle of the path, holding one side of a metal ladder between us.

I stumbled and tightened my grip on the ladder when someone bumped my shoulder in a rush to get to the tents full of food. Troy's hand snaked around my waist, keeping me from toppling over. I flashed a grateful smile in his direction as I stepped out of his arms.

He smiled back before repeating his question.

"To fix the banner." I nodded my head in the direction of the black banner dangling and flapping in the wind over the doorway of the main building.

The decorations were minimal and sparsely placed around campus, but I hoped they would help boost the ambiance.

"Let me help you with that." He said, reaching for the ladder me and Stacy carried.

"Yes, please. Thank you." Stacy said before I could decline Troy's offer of help. She released the end of the ladder she held when Troy gripped the middle of the ladder and rotated it vertically, holding it upright.

I narrowed my eyes at her before looking at Troy. He maneuvered through the crowd and the tables that were scattered on one half of the front lawn until he reached the doorway with me and Stacy trailing after him. His arms flexed, stretching the fabric of his white t-shirt as he placed down the ladder on the paved walkway. Unconsciously my tongue darted out, moistening my lips as I gaped at his arms.

"Why are you two fixing the banner?"

"Hmm?" I hummed while my eyes traveled down the length of his body, stopping on his legs as he climbed the rungs of the ladder. Beneath the bunched material of his cargo pants, his thigh muscles tightened, showing off his sculpted legs with each step.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, jumping at the sharp jab to my ribs. While rubbing my side, I turned to glare at Stacy. She fluttered her doe brown eyes innocently while twisting her fingers.

Troy cleared his throat while looking down at us with one eyebrow raised.

"I mean... someone else put it up earlier, but I guess they didn't tie it correctly. So I said I would fix it." I explained.

"Okay. So after I fix the banner, can you take a break?" Troy asked.

"Yes, she can take a break!" Stacy yelled, drawing the attention of the people nearest us.

"No, I can't," I responded, holding on to the ladder to keep it from wobbling.

"Yes, you can, Nova." Stacy crossed her arms over her chest. "We have been working since six in the morning helping set up. Blowing up balloons, hanging streamers, pitching tents, and helping cook the food. You know I can't cook."

"You said you wanted to help Stacy." I reminded her while watching a group of kids dash across the front lawn towards the games.

"Yes, help do some of the work. There are over three hundred students that could have volunteered to help out." Stacy sighed and continued, "All I'm saying is you, and I don't have to do everything."

"I know," I mumbled as Troy finished tying the banner and climbed back down the ladder. My eyes instantly shifted from his arm to his legs, trying to take everything in at once.

Oh my god! What am I doing? I was torn. Half of me wished that more of the banners would suddenly become loose so I could watch Troy fix them, while the other half of me reminded me that I was gawking at my best friend.

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