15. Troy Roman

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Troy (Male P.O.V)

Date: October 1, 2238

After Sergeant Carter's abrupt departure, everyone went their separate ways, and I returned to my dorm to shower. While standing underneath the warm streams, those last few moments of class replayed in my head on a loop.

Had he truly not known?

His shock had seemed genuine enough, but still...Is it possible he hadn't heard anything? The incident had been on everyone's lips since this morning. Sergeant Carter, however, didn't strike me as the type to be interested in gossip, but one of his colleagues must have told him. Right?

A knock at the door disrupted my train of thought. Shutting off the shower, I grabbed my towel off the rack, wrapped it around my waist, and went to answer it.

Just as another knock sounded at the door, I pulled it open, coming face to face with Sky.

"You sure know how to welcome a girl." She purred, her hungry gaze slowly traversing every inch of my towel-clad body.

I am to please, rested on the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed the flirty comeback. There was no need to give her or the people passing by the wrong idea. It would only fuel the gossip mill and cause unwanted problems for me.

Instead, I said, "Do you need something?"

"Yeah, but..." she glanced over her shoulder before dropping her voice to a whisper. "Can we talk inside?"

"Sure." I stepped aside, allowing her to pass. And when she does, I shut the door behind her before heading to my dresser. "Is uh... everything okay?" I asked, grabbing the first pair of sweats from inside and dragging them on underneath my towel.

My question was met with silence as she paced the stretch of carpet between Jax's bed and desk. She stared at the floor, seeing but not really seeing while her teeth abused her bottom lip.

"Sky?" I softly called, tossing my towel into the hamper.

She stopped. "Huh?"

"Is everything okay?"

"I don't know." She threw her hands up and let them fall heavily against her sides. "No. Hearing all this gossip about Ms. Jacob and not knowing the truth is driving me crazy. Why haven't they told us anything yet?"

"It's only been a day. They're probably still looking into what happened."

"But still, they could tell us something." She grumbles, dropping into Jax's desk chair and crossing one long lean over the other. "And how could Sergeant Carter not know?"

I shrugged. "Beats me."

"Do you believe him?"

I stayed quiet, unsure of how to answer. It felt too soon to decide anything when there were still so many unanswered questions surrounding this incident.

When the silence dragged on long enough, she said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I'm sure you do. I'm probably the only one that has doubts."

Instead of reassuring her she wasn't alone in her thinking, it was best to let the conversation drop. Besides, I didn't have the answers she was probably searching for anyway.

"It's alright. How about we go grab some lunch to try and take our minds off things?"



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