37. Jax Flores

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Jax P.O.V

Date: December 14, 2238

I stared out the tunnel at the light spilling out from the arena, anxiously awaiting the game to start. Only a tiny portion of the paved floor was visible, while inky blackness swallowed the rest.

"Will both teams take their position on the field?" Mr. Armstrong's voice flowed through the speakers.

Andrew glanced over his shoulder at us, a steely look of determination set on his face before he led the way out of the tunnel.

My feet moved on autopilot, following behind Troy, the drumming of my heart loud in my ears.

An icy silence surrounded us every step of the way to the single-story structure erected on the field. Its off-white walls breaking through the darkness.

As we approached the opening, Larry's voice sounded in my head. Do you like being a burden... Deadweight...

I shook my head to clear it away and focused straight ahead. I couldn't let him ruin this moment. We'd earned this. I'd earned this. Screw what he thought.

A blast of light suddenly hits me square across the face as the Jumbotron turns on. I shielded my eyes, squinting through the lights as the seniors standing on the other side of the field appeared on screen before a timer displaying fifteen seconds took their place.

"Time starts... now!" Mr. Armstrong shouted as the blaring red numbers began ticking down.

I bounced on the toes of my boot, my eyes locked on the screen while willing the timer to count down faster. The senior's fifteen-second head start began now.

"Faster. Faster." I repeatedly muttered under my breath.

This was their fourth and final year to compete at the Training games. A win now would be the perfect way to showcase all they strived for over the years. Our difference of opinion in the tunnel might have caused some friction, but with their training, they could easily put it aside to achieve their goal. And there wasn't a single doubt in my mind that they would be ready for us, guns blazing as soon as we stepped foot inside.

I gritted my teeth at the seven seconds remaining on the clock.

Fuck, this was torture.

"The seniors aren't wasting time!" Mr. Armstrong exclaimed. "They are taking full advantage of their head start while the Sophomores wait outside the walls."

The crowd inside the arena remained silent at the news, not letting Mr. Armstrong's words bait them into cheering. There wasn't an official rule forbidding cheering, but every student at Blackstone Academy had made it one. The game officials backed the unspoken rule and only allowed students and staff from the academy to attend this round of the competition.

Everyone else could watch from outside or at First Foundation and not feel the need to suppress their emotions.

"Come on!" Troy growled.

I loudly exhaled when the timer reached zero, and the screen changed to a close-up of a black box.

"Let's do this!" Andrew charged inside the entrance, disappearing into the darkness with half of our teammates following behind him.

I looked towards the screen, waiting for an announcement that he had just been bombarded with darts. However, the message never came, and relief coursed through my body before I joined them.

My eyes strained to make out my surroundings as we crowded inside. Breathing heavily, I crept forward, trying not to step onto Troy's heels. Tripping and falling after we just entered would definitely prove Larry right. Imaging the smug grin on Larry's face was enough motivation for me to pace my stride with Troy's.

Smiling, Troy reached back and softly smacked my shoulder. Immediately, I clamped my lips shut, fearing the sound of my ragged breathing would give away our position.

Calm down, Jax! I swiveled my head from left to right, and my heartbeat slowed when I saw another wall in front of us. Each of the wall's edges curved, leading to another two passages. Both equally as dark as the one we stood in.

"Let's split up. Troy, you take half and go that way." Andrew instructed, gesturing with his free hand towards the left hall.

"Got it."

"And the rest of you, come with me." He took two steps toward the right hall before stopping and turning back. "Check everything."

Troy gave a brisk nod before Andrew led half our team away. As soon as they disappeared, Troy turned to us.

"Follow me," He commanded, guiding us toward the left.

As we turned the corner, I discovered I'd been wrong about the hallway being dark. A faint red light hung on the middle of the wall, repeatedly flashing in a poor attempt to light the way.

Troy nudged the loose papers scattered on the floor with his boot as we eased down the hallway. Sweat beaded along my hairline as the paper crinkled under his ministrations. Every crinkle heightened in the dead silence, wreaking havoc on my sensitive lobes.

I gritted my teeth when Nova used the tip of her gun to shift another stack of papers. The screeching shushes of paper gliding against fabric sent shivers down my spine.

"Last year, the key was inside a folded newspaper. We didn't even stand a chance against the other team." Sky whispered in my ear. The sound of her voice slightly soothed my rattled nerves.

"I remember. You guys didn't even shoot one dart." I whispered back.

She sighed, slowly nodding. "Hopefully, today will be different."

"Yeah, hopefully," I muttered as the hallway opened up to a large waiting room. Much like the hallway, loose sheets of paper covered the burgundy and wooden furniture.

"Four people guard the doorways. Make sure they don't sneak up behind us. Everyone else, spread out and search everything." Troy ordered.

Nova and Sky immediately moved to each of the doorways. They tucked themselves into the corner next to the potted plants with their guns distended beyond the wall. Another two of our team members followed at a much slower pace as they mirrored Nova's and Sky's stance on the opposite side of the doorway.

I shivered when a burst of biting air and snow flurries blasted us.

"Be fast," Troy added, glancing at the night sky.

The remaining six of us split up, with Ashley and three other team members heading towards the receptionist's desk and coffee table while Troy and I took different sides of the couch.

I turned to the desk at the sound of metal squeaking while Troy clenched his jaw and continued to search, ignoring the sound.

"I-I found it. I found the key!" Ashley announced, mere seconds later, holding up a gold key in his gloved hand.

"Where was it?" I asked as we crowded around the desk.

"At the back of the bottom drawer."

"Good Job, Ashley," Troy clapped him on the back before turning to Nova. "What's the other team doing?"

"It seems like they are still looking for the key," Sky answered.

"Good. Let's go."

"Are we waiting for the rest of the team?" Ashley asked, stepping from behind the receptionist's desk.

"No. We can't afford to waste any time." Troy said. "And I hate to say this... but we got damn lucky we found the key first, so let's keep going." 

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