Dwarf Star Alloy

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I would say I wake up to the chirping of birds and the warm sun filtering through my window but I don't.

I wake up to Snart shouting for me from the kitchen. I groan and roll over before standing up from the dingy mattress I call my bed.

I walk into the kitchen to see what he wants.

I find Lisa, Snart and the creepy bald dude all already dressed and standing around the small kitchen.

"What do you want, I was sleeping," I groan, rubbing my eyes to try to wake myself up.

"We've got a job to pull at Mercury Labs, be ready to leave in five minutes," Snart says. I perk up at that. Mercury Labs? What do they want from there?

"Ok, fine," I groan before walking back to the room I share with Lisa.

I quickly pull on a pair of jean shorts and a plain, grey t-shirt before I put on a pair of sneakers and my favourite hoodie/only hoodie.

I brush my hands through my hair to tame it down a bit before quickly brushing my teeth by the small sink in the corner.

I walk back out to the kitchen to where the others are standing.

"What happened to your neck?" Lisa asks, staring at my neck. Guess it did leave a bruise.

"Oh, nothing. Just ran into a mugger last night," I lie. They all believe my story and we head out to the van.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Creepy bald dude asks me as I take the driver's seat. I shrug.

"I can reach the pedals. Is that the same thing?" He grins at that.

"Close enough," he answers.

I drive us to the small loading dock next to Mercury Labs and park the van.

They all jump out and walk into the building. Does the Reverse Flash also want them to steal something from here?

I tap my fingers on the steering wheel as I wait for them to return which doesn't take too long.

Less than ten minutes later, the doors slam open as Snart and Lisa jump into the van.

"Where's the bald guy?" I ask. Snart sighs and opens the van door.

"Mick, hurry up or we're leaving without you!" he shouts. So his name is Mick. Creepy bald dude fits him better though.

Mick jumps into the van and shuts the door behind him. With that, I slam my foot on the gas and we lurch forward, zooming down the road and back to the warehouse.


"So, what did you steal this time?" I ask nobody in particular once we've gotten back to the warehouse and are all standing inside.

"Some sort of meta stuff," Mick replies. Wow, that sure helps a lot, not.

"We took 100 tonnes of Dwarf star metal," Snart tells me. I tilt my head curiously.

"Is it for the same buyer?" I ask curiously. He nods. I should probably tell this to team Flash.

I go outside and grab my phone, texting Barry that I have some new information.

Barry says he will come pick me up in a few seconds. What does he mean by that?

With a sudden gust of wind, I'm suddenly standing in S.T.A.R Labs.

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