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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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The next couple of days pass slowly. I barely get an hour of sleep a night because of all the nightmares I've been having but I don't tell anyone about them.

They're already stressed enough about trying to find the Reverse Flash.

Snart and his gang haven't stolen anything else yet so we have no idea what he's trying to make.

I hop into S.T.A.R Labs, yawning slightly. I didn't even get half an hour of sleep last night. The Reverse Flash's glowing eyes and growling voice haunting my head.

I sit down on one of the wheelie chair by the computers, putting down my crutches.

"Hey Rae," I hear Barry say behind me. I turn in the chair to see him and Iris walk in.

"Hey, shouldn't you two be at work?" I ask curiously. Barry gives me a funny look.

"It's Saturday," he tells me. I turn to look at the date on the computer to see he's right.

"Oh, time flies quickly, am I right?" I say with a small laugh, trying to laugh it off.

"So Rae, I was thinking you and I could go shopping today," Iris suggests with a warm smile.

"I can't. Caitlin might want my help later and I don't have any money anyway..." I start but she cuts me off.

"It's fine, I already asked Caitlin and she said it was fine. Plus, I have more than enough money for if you see anything you like," she gives me what I assume is her puppy dog eyes.

I sigh.

"OK, just let me grab my jacket from Cisco's work..." I'm cut off as she holds up my Jean jacket.

"Already got it. Let's go." I pick up my crutches and hop after her as she walks out of the cortex.


After we've shopped for two hours my legs and arms are killing me.

"Are we done yet Iris?" I moan. We've been into practically every shop in the mall and she has 16 bags in her arms.

"It's only been two hours, how are you even tired yet?" she exclaims. Umm, because I'm human and apparently she's a robot?

"One time I went on a 10 hour shopping spring..." she starts to tell me the story but I'm not really listening to her.

I see a streak of yellow out of the corner of my eye and all of a sudden the Reverse Flash is standing right in front of us.

I gasp and nearly fall over.

" Are you OK Rae?" Iris asks, looking at me concerned.

"You look like you've seen a ghost."

Can't she see him? He's standing right in front of us!

Iris walks in front of me and right through the Reverse Flash.

How is that possible?!

"Rae, are you OK?" Iris asks me again. I look at her.

"I'm fine," I reassure her and we continue walking.

"I'm going to go into this shop, you can wait for me outside," Iris tells me before walking into a boutique.

The Reverse Flash appears in front of me again.

"Why did Iris walk right through you?" I ask him after pulling out my phone and pressing it against my ear so that people don't think I'm crazy.

"Are you just a figment of my imagination? Am I going crazy?" I ask. He laughs at me.

"I'm not a figment of your imagination. Remember when I fazed my hand through your leg?" he asks.

"How could I forget?" I growl.

"Well, when I did that I transfered my consciousness, my whole being into your mind," he tells me. I gasp.

"how did you do that?" I exclaim. He grins.

"Why do you think I had Snart collect the oridian jewel for me? I used it along with some other objects to transfer my mind into yours," he explains.

"Why? Why me?" I ask. I'm just a 15 year old girl who was in jail half her life and has powers she can't even control!

"You are no ordinary 15 year old girl," he says. I gape at him.

"Are you really that stupid? I'm inside of you? I can hear every word you think," he starts to laugh.

"So why did you choose me?" I demand. He smirks.

"I won't tell you that just yet. I wouldn't want you blabbing it to Barry and the others, now would I?" he asks.

"What's stopping me from telling them then? Huh?" I ask. He grins even wider before narrowing his eyes at me in concentration.

I'm about to ask what he's doing when I get a blinding headache. It feels as though something is repeatedly stabbing at my head on the inside.

I cry out and nearly drop to the ground. As quickly as it came, it suddenly vanishes.

"I'm inside of you, I can control you. That was only a fraction of what I can do," he warns.

"You won't say a word of this to Barry or anyone else," he growls, his eyes flashing red.

"Rae, are you OK? You look really pale," Iris says as she walks out of the shop she was in, another bag in her arms. She places her palm on my forehead and frowns.

"You have a fever. We should probably head back to S.T.A.R Labs," she suggests.

I look back to where the Reverse Flash was but he has disappeared.

This is bad. Really, really bad. I can't ask the team for help on this one though, I'll have to handle it by myself.


" Her temperature is a few marks above average but it is probably just because of her fire powers. Ronnie and professor Stein were the same," Caitlin concludes, taking the thermometer out of my mouth.

"OK, she also looked really pale though," Iris adds, still very worried.

Caitlin turns to me.

"Have you had anything to eat today?" she asks me. I shrug.

"I had a Nutella sandwich," I tell her. She nods before turning back to Iris.

"Her fire powers must burn through her metabolism quickly like Barry's. I'll get Cisco to give her some of his energy bars he made for Barry," she tells her. Iris nods.

"OK, I should get going now, Barry and I are going out for dinner in an hour," she says, looking at her watch.

"Have fun," Caitlin calls after her as Iris hurrys out. Caitlin turns to me.

"Are you sure you're OK? I noticed you haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately and you've got bags under your eyes," Caitlin asks me.

I give a small smile.

"Don't worry, everything is fine," I reassure her but everything is far from fine at this point.

(1155 words)

I hope you enjoyed that.

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Until next time. Byeeeee. ;)

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