New Powers

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OC's. :)

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I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes through the tiny window in my apartment.

After what happened yesterday, I came straight back here. I tried asking Thawne about what happened but he hasn't been talking to me. I wonder why?

I get out of bed and get dressed into the same outfit I wore yesterday. I look out the window and see the ground covered in a thick layer of white snow.

I grab a scarf and gloves as well as my puffer jacket before I lock up and head outside.

Even through all my layers of clothes, I shiver slightly in the cold. The sky is sunny outside but the slightly blue tinted clouds are a sign that more snow will probably fall tonight.

I stop by a pedestrian crossing and a school bus passes by me. I still want to go to school one day, after all of this is over.

I cross the crossing and walk in the direction of the airfield.

I want to try to learn how to control and grasp the full potential of this newfound ability.

I get to the airfield and rub my gloved hands together before getting into a running position.

I take a deep breath before I run forward. Everything seems to slow around me as I take off running. The icy wind whips my face but I don't really care.

I wonder what colour my lightning is? I turn my head to look behind myself and see the trail of yellow lightning.

Yellow? It looks just like the...The Reverse Flashes. Still looking behind myself, I don't notice the large barrels of water till it's too late.

I gasp in pain as I smash full on into them. Ow.

I prop myself up on my elbows and give myself a quick check over. Luckily nothing is broken, just a few bruises.

I get up slowly and lean against one of the barrels.

"Thawne, what was that?" I growl angrily at him.

He doesn't say anything but I swear I hear him chuckle slightly. I fume with anger.

"Answer me!" I shout.

"It appears my plan is nearly complete," he says. What does that mean?

"What plan? Why won't you tell me anything?" I ask, still angry at him.

"You don't need to know my plan," he answers before going silent.

Knowing I won't get anything else out of him, I huff and decide to head back to my apartment.

I'm just down the street from the apartment when the Flash speeds passed me. I wonder what's going on?

I hear the sound of fire trucks behind me and I quickly start running off in the direction Barry went.

I come to a halt in front of my apartment building which is engulfed in flames. I see Barry start to speed people out.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a woman wailing in distress. I quickly run over to her.

"What is it?" I ask her worriedly.

"My little girl! My little girl is still inside!" she says through sobs.

I quickly look back at the building and see it about to collapse any moment now.

Without thinking, I quickly run into an alley before super speeding off into the building.

I speed through it and stop outside a door. I hear a child crying from inside.

Without thinking, I put my hand on the door knob to open it. I pull back quickly but notice I'm not burnt.

Right, my fire powers. I must have absorbed the heat from the knob.

What if I can put out the fire? That could take time though and I don't know how much longer the building is going to last.

Verifying my thought, I hear a large thud of something falling just down the hall.

I quickly open the door to the room and speed in, grabbing the small girl.

As I speed out, I see Barry out of the corner of my eye.

I quickly make it out of the building and give the child to her mum before speeding away a few blocks down the street.

I should probably head over to S.T.A.R Labs.

I hope Barry didn't see me.


"Guys, at that burning apartment building I saw the Reverse Flash!" Barry exclaims after speeding in.

I just got here less than a minute ago and am currently sitting on a wheelie chair next to Cisco who is chewing a twizzler.

He's got a serious addiction with those things.

" Are you sure? What was he doing there?" Cisco asks, eyes wide. If only they knew the truth...

"Don't you dare tell them," Thawne growls.

"Relax, I won't," I reply in my mind.

"It was weird though because he rescued a small child from the building," Barry says, looking confused. I don't blame him.

"Maybe he's a good guy now?" I say hopefully. Barry and Cisco both huff at that.

"I doubt it. He must have some sort of motive," Cisco says as he continues to chew on his twizzler.

Barry leaves to go back to CCPD and Cisco turns to me.

"Twizzler?" he asks, pulling one magically out of his pocket.

I take it from him and start to chew on it.

"Thanks," I tell him.

"So, wasn't that your apartment building?" Cisco asks curiously. I look at him in confusion.

"How did you...?" I start.

"I wanted to keep an eye on you so I may have used facial recognition to track you down and find out where you live," he says with a shrug.

"That's creepy," I reply. He nods.

"Yeah, that sounded a lot better in my head." We both laugh at that.

"So, where are you going to live now?" Cisco asks. I shrug.

"I'm not sure. Everything I owned was in there and I spent all my money on that place..." I trail off. Luckily I had my phone and wallet with me.

"Why don't you come stay with me?" Cisco suggests.

"I don't know..." I start but he cuts me off.

"Don't worry about it. It could just be till you manage to find a new place," he says. I think about it for a minute.

"OK, deal. But only till I find my own place," I tell him firmly. He nods and gives a big grin.

(1134 words)

I hope you enjoyed that.

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This chapter is dedicated to Mikaylyngrace for giving me an amazing idea for this story that I will be incorporating in the next 2-4 chapters. Thank you so much. :)

Until next time. Byeeeee. ;)

(Next chapters will be Monday)

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