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So, Rowan needs to convince Elijah to work with her, do you think she'll succeed?

So, Rowan needs to convince Elijah to work with her, do you think she'll succeed?

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"Mr Elijah, I believe you and I should have a chat," said the witch.

The Original was astonished to say the least, he wasn't expecting much when Rose and Trevor had contacted him, he had hoped that they caught Katerina or at least knew her whereabouts, instead he was rewarded with a human doppelgänger that could break Nik's curse, as well as a show from the young witch his brother had met in Chicago. Elijah wasn't easily entertained but this certainly amused him. He released the doppelgänger from his grip and was surprised that she didn't run, instead, it was the blonde vampire that descended the stairs to reach her and pulled her into a comforting embrace.

"Are you okay?" The vampire asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay," she replied. Elijah ignored the couple in favour of staring at Rowan and the witch smiled sweetly in return.

"Mr Elijah, you don't know me well but I hope you'd give me a chance to talk to you," said the girl. Her hazel eyes were kind yet calculating. "We can speak in private," she continued and gestured to the rest of the mansion. When Elijah didn't reply she continued, "if they run, you can kill me." The statement earned her a few gasps from the group. Elijah was impressed by her willingness to sacrifice herself.

"Rowan!" Exclaimed Elena and she went up the stairs toward her sister. The raven-haired vampire also glared at the witch and grabbed her arm.

"What're you doing witchy?" He hissed. Elijah raised an eyebrow at the whole situation. It seemed that the witch had improvised this part of the plan rather than discuss it with her fellows.

"It'll be okay, just don't run," Rowan responded. She saw Elena's eyes well up with tears and sighed. She pulled her sister into a hug to reassure her. "Pup calm down, I can take care of myself. I'm just talking to him." The doppelgänger sniffled and nodded dejectedly at her sister. Rowan released Elena and gestured for Elijah to follow her. The Original followed her while still observing the rest.

Elijah and Rowan entered an empty room close to the one they left. As soon as they were inside, the witch cast a privacy spell so they couldn't be heard. Elijah raised an eyebrow with interest at the action. Rowan seemed to lose her confidence once they were alone. The witch had only planned so far and now she could only pray to Nature and Luck to aid her. "So, how's Mr Klaus?" Asked the witch with a sheepish look.

"So it is you. The young witch he met in Chicago, training under Gloria," replied Elijah with a smirk. Rowan nodded, still waiting for him to answer her question. The Original realised the reason for her silence and chuckled. "Nik is doing very well." Rowan was taken aback by Elijah's use of the nickname.

"Nik?" She couldn't help but respond, her eyes wide and expressing her surprise.

"Yes. Klaus's name is originally Niklaus and we use Nik as a nickname," stated the Original as he leaned against a worn out chair. Rowan remained in her place a few steps away from the door.

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