A Shocking Surprise

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Spider-Man swings towards the police precinct in New York.

Spider-Man: "Yuri Watanabe, my favorite police officer."

Yuri: "I just wanted to thank you for what you did with Taskmaster."

Spider-Man: "For you Yuri, anything."

Yuri: "I heard about your partner getting wounded. Is she okay?"

Spider-Man: "She will be. Luckily it was just a small wound."

Yuri: "Do you need anything?"

Spider-Man: "Something to do."

Yuri: "Well, i heard something about a bank robbery a bit further away."

Spider-Man: "I'll take it!"

Spider-Man swings away from the precinct to go to the bank. Spider-Man lands at the bank and goes into the bank. The vault has already been opened and Shocker is standing there taking the money and putting it in bags.

 The vault has already been opened and Shocker is standing there taking the money and putting it in bags

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Spider-Man: "Hello Hermon, lang time no see."

Shocker: "What?"

Spider-Man: "I don't know for sure but, i don't think you have that much cash in your bank."

Spider-Man swing-kicks into Shocker, but Shocker shocks Spider-Man back through a wall.

Shocker: "Fine. You want a fight? Let's fight!"

Spider-Man: "Not really, but do i have a choice now?"

Spider-Man webbs up Shocker, but he just shocks the webbs off of him. Shocker tries to shock Spider-Man, but he dodges the attack. Shocker shocks Spider-Man into a wall. Spider-Man gets up quick but Shocker grabs his head and shocks his head into the wall Spider-Man was thrown at. Spider-Man tries to get some distance between them, and swings to the other side of the bank.

Shocker: "I'm going to enjoy what comes next, Spider-Man."

Unknown: "I don't think so."

Suddenly a man in a black suit kicks Shocker off to the side. He throws what appeared to be a metal stick of some sort at Shocker. Spider-Man kicks him through a wall onto a police car. Shocker is knocked out and gets arrested by the police in that car. Spider-Man looks behind him to see the man gone without a trail. Spider-Man, after talking to Yuri about what happened and about the man in black, swings back to Avengers tower.

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