Talking With The Punisher

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Peter's POV

I woke up and noticed that I was on a rooftop. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I looked down to see chains around me. I tried braking the chains, until I heard a voice speak up.

???: Morning sunshine.

I looked up and saw who my kidnapper was; the Punisher.

Matt's POV

I called Wanda to meet me on a rooftop not far from Avengers Tower. She arrived and I could sense worry in her.

Wanda: Where is Peter?

I didn't answer her, I just turned my head down.

Wanda: Matt? Where is Peter?

I didn't know what the best way was of telling her the Punisher kidnapped him.

Wanda: What!?

Shit. Forgot she can read minds.

Wanda: How did that happen!?

Matt: The police started shooting at us and one thing led to another.

Wanda: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get Peter back.

Matt: It isn't that simple.

Wanda: Why not?

Matt: Peter obviously doesn't want you to get hurt. I promised him that I would keep you safe--

Wanda: Just as you promised me that you would protect Peter.

Matt: Wanda, I know you're mad at me, but you need to listen to me.

Wanda: Fine. What's your plan then?

Peter's POV

The Punisher was stitching up the bullet wound in his arm.

Peter: Your doing that just now?

Punisher: I was a bit preoccupied with your wound.

I looked down and saw my wound stitched up.

Peter: Why am I still alive?

Punisher: Because you kicked the gun away from me.

Peter: Why do I even have my mask still on?

Punisher: Because I don't give two shits who you are.

Peter: That's good to know.

Punisher: Well, you asked.

Peter: Why are you doing this? Did someone hurt someone you love? Well boo hoo. Everyone has dead people around them, that doesn't give you the right to kill anyone.

Punisher: Oh, I think it does.

Peter: Do you have someone to go home to or are you alone?

Punisher: Do I pay you on the hour, doc?

Peter: I'm just trying to--

Punisher: I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to talk me out of this. Well let me tell you, that shit ain't happening.

Peter: Why not?

Punisher: I gotta get revenge on those assholes for killing my family.

Peter: Revenge isn't the answer. I know out of experience. I tried to get revenge too for my uncle's killer. And you know what? I let him go. Because I knew that if I killed him, I wouldn't be any better than him.

Punisher: That was one hell of a peptalk, Red. Sad that it won't work on me.

Peter: Why--

Punisher: Does someone force you to put on that costume or do you take it apon yourself? Do you know what I think about you, hero?

He started walking over to me.

Punisher: I think you're a half measure. I think you're a man that can't finish the job. I think that you're a coward. You know what the one thing is that you just can't see?

He crouched down, so he was face to face with me.

Punisher: You know you're one bad day away from being me.

We stared at each other for a while until he stood up and walked somewhere behind me.

Peter: Look at you. You go around the city acting like it's your damn personal shooting galary--

Punisher: And what do you do? What do you do? You act like this is a playground. You beat up the bullies and everyone called you a hero, right. And then a month, a week, a day later there back on the street, doing the same goddamn thing!

Peter: So, so you just put them in the ground.

Punisher: You're goddamn right I do.

Peter: [whispering] You enjoy killing.

Punisher: What's that?

He sounded like a mix of annoyed and angry.

Punisher: What did you just say?

Peter: You enjoy killing.

He just chuckled at me before knocking me out.

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