A Talk With The Devil

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Peter wakes up and goes outside of his room and walks into the kitchen to make breakfast and sits down onto the couch. Wanda soon joins him and kisses him on his cheek. Wanda turns the TV on and turn on the news.

Karen: "The police found criminals being half beaten to death by what they described as a man in black in a alleyway in Hell's Kitchen. 'The devil of Hell's Kitchen' as he was called, was looking for someone and is beating up criminals to get what he wants."

Wanda: "Is that your friend?"

Peter: "Sounds like it."

Wanda: "Maybe you should have a word with him. See if he's truly doing the right thing."

Peter: "You know what? Maybe i will, tonight."

Wanda: "Just, be careful. I don't want him to get a wrong message from you."

Peter: "I know. Don't attack him, even if he's attacking me."

Wanda: "Exactly. Good luck, Peter."

Peter: "Thanks. I think I'm going to need that."

Peter kisses Wanda before going into his room, putting on his suit, and swinging outside of his room into the city. At night Spider-Man swings around the city as he sees something black moving. He swings to a roof and looks around. He jumps off the building but someone grabs his leg and trows him onto the roof. Someone pins him down onto the ground. Spider-Man looks up to see none other than the devil of Hell's Kitchen.

 Spider-Man looks up to see none other than the devil of Hell's Kitchen

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Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "Why are you looking for me?"

Spider-Man: "I just want to talk."

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "About what?"

Spider-Man: "About your intentions."

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "The same as yours. To make my city a better place. Whatever it takes."

Spider-Man: "And with 'whatever it takes' you mean brutally attacking criminals to find one person of your interest?"

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "Cut off the head of the snake, and the body stops to move."

Spider-Man: "So what, you're going to beat up all the criminals in town until you have the location of the 'head of the snake' and you what, kill him?"

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "So what?"

Spider-Man: "You can't just kill and brutally hurt people."

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "Why not? I can stop all the crime by killing him."

Spider-Man: "You believe that? You believe that if you kill one guy, that all crime will suddenly stop?"

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "YES, yes i believe that."

Spider-Man: "That's bullshit and you know it!"

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "It will work. You just have to trust me."

Spider-Man: "Trust you? While you go killing people."

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "I'm only killing him. No one else will die."

Spider-Man: "If you kill him, you won't be any better than him."

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "I'm so much better than him."

Spider-Man: "Prove it. Don't brutally attack or kill anyone, because if you do, i will come after you."

Devil of Hell's Kitchen: "You do what you have to do, I'll do what i have to do."

The devil of Hell's Kitchen let's go of Spider-Man and jumps off the building, disappearing into the darkness. Spider-Man swings off to Avengers Tower. He knocks on Wanda's window, signaling if he can come in. Wanda opens the window and let's Peter inside of her room.

Wanda: "And, how did it go?"

Peter: "Not good. He wants to kill someone and he's not going to stop."

Wanda: "And what did you say?"

Peter: "I told him that if he leaves me no other choice that i will go after him."

Wanda: "Well, i made dinner, if you're hungry."

Peter: "Yes, I'm hungry after today."

Peter and Wanda eat dinner and after that they watch a movie in her room, cuddling.

Wanda: "I think that if you give him time, he will come around and talk to you."

Peter: "What if he doesn't?"

Wanda: "Than we take him down."

Peter: "I guess so."

Wanda: "Pete, we can do this, together."

Peter: "We kinda have to do this. It's our job."

Wanda: "I guess you're right. So, since it's our job, when are we getting paid?"

Peter chuckles a little bit.

Peter: "I'm going to sleep."

Wanda: "With me, please. I had a few rough nights.

Peter: "If you want to. "

Wanda: "Yes, please."

Wanda and Peter lay in Wanda's bed, cuddling and kissing until they fall asleep.

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