Losing You

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Wanda wakes up and looks at Peter who was just waking up beside her.

Peter: "Morning beautiful."

Wanda: "Morning sunshine."

Peter: "Did you get some sleep?"

Wanda: "Yes, finally."

Peter: "Good. I love you, Wanda."

Wanda: "I love you to...."

Suddenly a explosion goes off and everything turns black from the smoke. Wanda wakes up and sees that Avengers Tower is fully exploded. She starts to look for Peter.

Wanda: "Peter?!"

Wanda looks around and sees Peter's mask in the rubble. Wanda picks up the mask and starts to remove rubble with her powers and sees a hole. She jumps into the hole and sees a big figure standing over what looked to be Peter. Wanda jumps down to help him, but Shocker hits her out of nowhere into the ground. The figure just looks at her and turns back to Peter.

Unknown: "This is the last time you were in my way, Spider-Man."

Wanda looks on with horror as the figure raises his hands and hits Peter on his chest.

Wanda: "NOOO!"

Wanda wakes up, screaming. She looks beside her and sees Peter, surprisingly still asleep. Wanda quietly walks to the bathroom and washes her face with cold water.

Peter: "Nightmare again?"

Wanda: "Peter? Did i wake you up?"

Peter: "Yes, but it's okay."

Wanda starts to softly cry and Peter comforts her.

Peter: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Wanda: "Yes. But can we go outside, please?"

Peter: "Whatever you want, Wanda. You know that, right?"

Wanda: "Yes, let's go."

Peter and Wanda get dressed into their superhero suits and go into the city and go to sit on a roof.

Peter: "So, what happened in your nightmare?"

Wanda: "Avengers Tower exploded, i went into a hole and found you, Shocker attacked me and a big figure.... killed you."

Wanda started to cry again.

Wanda: "Everyone i ever loved is dead. I don't want to lose you too, Peter."

Peter: "You're not gonna lose me, i promise you."

Suddenly Peter and Wanda hear a explosion going off. They looked to see that a building had broken into and smoke everywhere.

Peter: "Do you wanna check it out, or do you want to go back to Avengers tower?"

Wanda: "I'm going back. But you need to check it out."

Peter: "I'm already away."

Peter jumps of the building to check out the exploded building.

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