Chapter 36: Qrow

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Author's Note:
Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken me such a long time to update! I've been busy and somewhat struggling for these past few months, but I'm finally starting to feel a bit better and wanted to try and get a chapter out to you all. Please feel free to comment and vote if you liked the chapter! The support really means a lot! Enjoy!

As the night slowly dragged on, I could feel the tension starting to build. I walked into the kitchen to fix myself a cup of coffee, hoping it would calm my nerves. It was then then I heard the sounds of footsteps behind me. I turned around quickly, nearly dropping my coffee mug in the process.

"Oh," a soft voice said, "I didn't know you were in here, Qrow. Trouble sleeping?"

As the figure walked closer, I got a better look. It was Summer. She looked especially tired and stressed.

"Oh. Hey, Summer," I said, placing my cup on the counter before putting some coffee grounds in the coffee filter. "I couldn't sleep, so I'm making some coffee. Would you like some?"

Summer smiled and walked over to the table to sit down.
"Sure," she said.

I grabbed a spare cup and laid it next to mine as the coffee was being made. An uncomfortable silence passed between us.

"So... do you have a plan on what to do next?" I asked.

Summer looked over at me. "What do you mean?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "Well... we can't really stay here forever. Especially since Felice knows of Fujiyama's existence now."

"Wait. What?!"

"It happened when we were training. Felice appeared and saw Fujiyama with me. She didn't attack us or anything, but I'm willing to bet that Salem is aware now. So... what do we do? Would you rather wait for her followers to come after us? Or do you want to head towards the Land of Darkness and face them all head on?" I asked.

Summer looked deep in thought for a moment. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, I heard the coffee maker finish.

"Let me make you some coffee," I offered, standing from my seat and taking her cup. I fixed her coffee with plenty of cream and sugar and handed it to her.

"Thank you," she said, smiling at me.

I smiled back as I filled my own cup with coffee and took my seat across from her.

"So what were you going to say before?" I asked her, taking a sip from my cup.

She placed her mug on the table gently before answering.

"I'm thinking about having you and your sister do some spying for me once again. If Salem truly is planing on sending her subordinates after us, then we need to know who it is and when they'll be here. Does that sound like a plan?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah. I'll let Raven know in the morning and we'll set out. Maybe we'll find some answers on where she's keeping the Relic of Creation, too."

Summer was sipping on her coffee just as the front door to the kitchen opened. Raven walked in slowly, observing us.

"Hello Raven," Summer greeted her. "Qrow made some coffee if you wanted any."

Raven shook her head. "No thanks. I don't mean to pry, but I heard bits and pieces of your conversation from outside. And I think it would be best if you and I set out for Salem now, brother."

I looked at her. "Now? But it's late and we need all the rest we can get."

"And Salem has one of the relics in her possession. Not to mention she probably knows about Fujiyama already. If we stand any chance against her, then we need to at least try to stay one step ahead. Which is why I say that we leave now."

I sighed and looked over at Summer. She looked a bit hesitant, but she nodded.

"I agree with Raven," she said. "You two can head back here and rest once you've collected the information we need. Does that sound okay?"

I sat down my cup and nodded. "Yeah. It does. We'll head there straight away. Come on, sis."

I walked outside and heard Raven following me. Once the door closed, she leaned a little closer.

"You... don't think she's used the Relic of Creation already do you?" she asked.

I shrugged. "No idea. Guess the only way to find out is to see for ourselves."

I turned into my Corvid form and flew off towards the west, where the Land of Darkness awaited us. Just as Salem's castle was coming into sight, I felt my body hit something. I felt a shockwave go through me as I cried out in pain and fell towards the ground. I tumbled for a little while until I was laying on my back, looking up to the dark red sky above me. A few seconds later, I head something else fall nearby.

"Ow! What the hell?!" I heard Raven curse.

I stood to my feet, trembling. I saw Raven a few feet away, sitting up slowly. I ran towards her.

"Raven! Are you alright?!" I asked.

I extended my hand and helped her to her feet.

"Yeah," she said, coughing a bit. "What did we hit, though? There's nothing around here!"

I gazed around me and heard a faint buzzing noise. Curiously, I continued to step forward until I was shocked by something invisible.

"Ouch!" I sharply pulled back and looked in front of me. There seemed to be a force field that my sister and I couldn't see.

"What is it?" Raven asked, stepping a bit closer.

"I'm not sure," I told her. "But it doesn't look like we're getting in. I think we should just fly back to Patch."

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. But...nothing happened. ...I couldn't get the magical essence to manifest.

"Qrow, what's going on? I can't turn into my corvid form!" Raven snapped.

I opened my eyes, also frustrated. Could it be due to that... force field?

"I don't know. Make a portal to Summer and get us out of here before things get even worse," I told her.

She nodded and sliced the air with her sword, creating a red portal just a few feet away. Raven ran into the portal and I quickly followed after her.

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