Chapter 31: Raven

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I was silent as I walked inside of the school. Summer and I scanned the area to make sure there were no prying students around the elevators.

"Alright," Summer whispered, "we should take the elevator up to Ozpin's office first. If he's there, we can confront him and have him lead us to the vault. If he's not in his office, I suppose we'll just have to ask around."

I nodded. "Sounds easy enough. I'll let you lead the way."

Summer walked ahead of me towards one of the elevators and I followed close behind. We waited in complete silence as the elevator slowly ascended upwards. It dinged a few moments later and we stepped out into an empty looking hallway. As we walked closer and closer to Ozpin's office, I noticed that the lights were off.

"I don't think he's here, Summer,"I said to her, my voice echoing throughout the hallway.

"I know that," she snapped back at me. "And don't be so loud! Looks like we'll have to ask someone."

"Or," I whispered, "we could wait under the school where the vault is and surprise him."

Summer sighed and shook her head. "I'm already anticipating a fight, Raven. I don't want to exasperate things."

I shrugged. "Aren't you already doing that by confronting him?"

Summer glared at me. "I... This is different!"

I just laughed as I walked into the elevator and pressed the correct button to the vault. Summer walked inside a few moments later and stood next to me.

"So... what are you going to say once you see him again?" I asked her.

She didn't answer me as the elevator made it's slow descent. I heard her gasp when it finally dinged and opened. Without hesitation, I ran out of the elevator and down corridor. I could hear Summer's footsteps behind me, trying to catch up.

"Raven!" she cried. "Please stop!"

I kept dashing forward until I noticed that the door of the vault was open. And Ozpin was standing right in front of it.

I stopped dead in my tracks and I heard Summer stop too. Ozpin was speaking to someone else it sounded like.

"This is the vault that's located underneath the school," I heard him say. "As the new maiden, it is your duty to protect the relic and people that reside here. I know this is a big responsibility, Amber. But I also know your strengths and abilities. You'll handle yourself fine."

I sighed and stepped forward. I felt Summer try and pull me back, but I tugged away from her.

"You really got a way with words, don't you old man?" I asked, with my hand on the handle of my katana.

Ozpin slowly turned around to see Summer and I behind him. His face turned from stern to shocked in seconds.

"Raven? What are you doing here? And... is that you, Summer?"

Summer stepped forward a little closer.

"It is, Professor," she said sternly.
"My teammate and I have some questions for you."

I watched as Ozpin looked down at the new Fall Maiden, Amber.

"Amber, I'd like for you to go inside the vault and check on the relic. Don't worry. I can handle this."

Amber nodded and went to go deeper within the vault, but I thought quickly and leaped into the air. I landed in front of her and wrapped her in my arms.

"Hey!" she protested. "Let me go!"

"Sorry, kid," I told her, "I got to protect you. I think it's too late for us to run. Plus I don't want you locking yourself up in that vault either."

With that, I created an ice barrier with my maiden powers. The ice was thick, but I could still hear bits and pieces of Summer's conversation with Oz.

"Why didn't you tell us that Salem was immortal?!" I heard her say.

"You don't understand, Summer. I was only trying to keep everyone calm. I can't cause any more panic!" I heard Oz retort.

I heard Summer scream in pure rage as the entire place shook.


"Summer," I heard Oz say, " are you able to wield magic?"

I heard Summer laugh sinisterly. A type of laugh I never heard from her before. Her voice sounded cold as she answered.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" she said. "I gained these powers. When the Summer Maiden died in my arms, they transferred to me. No one has to get hurt here, Oz. I am angry that you kept knowledge of Salem a secret, but I'm willing to let that slide. If you give us the Relic of Choice."

"What? You know I can't do that, Summer!"

Summer laughed again. "Okay then. I'll just take it by force. Should be easy, seeing as I have this."

I heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed. The Relic of Destruction, I assumed.

"Summer... I don't know why you have the Relic of Destruction, but I'm begging you to—"

"NO!" Summer roared. "Just give me what I came here for, Oz."

I looked to see that Amber had curled up away from me. I stayed still, kneeling on the ground as I awaited for Ozpin's response.

"No," I heard him say sternly.

I broke through the ice and covered it back up. I heard Summer scream again and I turned to see her shoot a bolt of lightning towards Ozpin. His body merely absorbed it, and he gripped his cane tighter.

"Oh Summer," he said, "did you already forget where your maiden powers come from?"

Summer just glared at him before she drew out the Relic of Destruction again.

"Fine. I'll just destroy you with this!"

I watched as she charged at him, the sword pointing straight towards his throat.

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