Chapter 7: Raven

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I flew for what seemed like hours. Until I reached a familiar looking place. Salem's castle stood in the distance, with some powerful Grimm roaming around it. I was careful not to get spotted as I landed on a tree branch that gave me a full view inside the building.

Salem was standing alone in a room that was only lit by candles. The fire that emanated from them glowed a purplish color. Then the doors behind her suddenly opened. It was Hazel Rainart, and he was holding a young man by his wrists, which looked to be shackled.

"Ma'am," Hazel began, "forgive my intrusion, but I have captured a Silver Eyed Warrior as you asked."

I stood on the tree branch completely silent as Hazel shoved the young man towards Salem. He looked to be severely injured, with cuts and bruises all over his body. He didn't even look like he had the strength to stand to his feet.

Salem turned around and looked down at the silver-eyed man.
"Yes... you'll be a fine sacrifice," she murmured.

What does she mean by... sacrifice? I thought to myself.

"Hazel," I heard Salem say, snapping me from my thoughts. "Go and get the others. We're going to have a meeting once I'm done with the ritual."

Hazel simply nodded and replied, "Of course, Your Grace. I'll go straight away."

After Hazel left the room, the doors instantly closed. The young man was now stuck alone with Salem. And there was nothing I could do unless I wanted to get caught myself.
So I stood in place and watched as Salem's ritual unfolded.

Salem grabbed the man by his throat, her sharp talon-like nails digging into his neck. He tried desperately to free himself, but due to his many wounds, his attacks were useless. Salem's grip tightened, and her nails dug deeper into his flesh. Until a bright red liquid started to trickle out.

Salem closed her eyes and smiled.
"Yes... the liquid that fuels all life. I hope that the blood of this Silver Eyed Warrior is enough to suffice you, Master of Darkness. I pray... give me the power..."

I stood there stunned as Salem began to recite something in an unknown language. The flames of the candles glowed brighter. And Salem's veins that covered most of her body started to pulsate. She took a deep breath in and opened her eyes. They glowed a deep dark red and were filled with complete evil. Her hand released from the man's neck, and he fell limp onto the stone floor. Salem looked slightly annoyed at the corpse and picked it up. My eyes followed her to the back of the room where there was a massive fireplace. Salem tossed the body inside and left, the doors slamming shut behind her.

She made her way down a long corridor before entering a larger room with a long table. I recognized a few people. There was Tyrian to the far right, he was tinkering with his tail, which now appeared to be made of a dark metal. Then there was Arthur Watts, typing something into his scroll. Hazel sat next to him with his arms folded as he gazed around the room, completely silent.

Then I noticed a few new faces. One was a young girl, I assumed her to be around seventeen or eighteen. She had light blue hair that flowed down past her shoulders. She had a pistol strapped to her side as well as a sharp dagger. She looked angry and ready to fight.

Between her and Tyrian, was a man. He looked to be older than the girl. Maybe around his early to late thirties. His spiky red hair hid most of his face as he was looking down at his weapon. A combat bow with several arrows.

Everyone looked up as Salem entered the room. She sat down at the head of the table before being the first to speak.

"Icarus," she said, "tell me the status of Summer Rose. You were sent to spy on her ever since she has returned."

The man with the spiky red hair stood up and looked over towards her before bowing respectfully.

"Of course, Your Grace. Summer Rose has gone to the Kingdom of Vacuo. And she now has the Relic of Destruction in her possession."

What? That couldn't be right, I thought. Summer has the Vacuo sword?!

Salem glared at him. "Is that so? And how exactly did she manage to get to it?"

The man called Icarus was silent for a moment before replying, "That I'm not too sure of, ma'am. I can only assume that she had help from the Summer Maiden. Or that she herself is the Summer Maiden."

Salem said nothing as she turned to face Arthur.
"You have failed me," she said. "You were tasked with getting to the sword before anyone else. But you did fix Tyrian's tail, so I won't have you executed. I'll have to find an... alternative job for you to do for me."

Arthur nodded. "Forgive my failure, Your Grace. Summer just so happened to slip past my radar and managed to get ahold of the sword before we could."

"Ma'am," Hazel said.

Salem shot a glare at him.
"What is it?" she asked.

"What about the relics? The Relic of Knowledge is still out there, and now there's another relic missing from its vault."

Salem smiled cruelly. "Don't worry about them. The Grimm will locate them soon enough. The Grimm I can summon with my powers have the strength to destroy complete armies. Summer and her merry band of huntsmen and huntresses won't stand a chance against them. Give it time, Hazel. We'll have what we need soon. All of you are free to go. Except you, Arthur. We need to discuss your new mission from me."

I watched as everyone got up from the table and left the room.
...So Salem did know that the Relic of Knowledge was missing. And now Summer has the Relic of Destruction as well. I needed a new plan. I couldn't leave the lantern at my tribe. That was just asking for my tribe members to get attacked by Grimm. And Summer wouldn't be able to protect the sword by herself, even if she did have some huntsmen with her. She needed more power.

Without a seconds hesitation, I flew back to my tribe. It was midnight by the time I returned. I was relieved to see that things were peaceful. I landed near the head tent and poked my head inside. Vernal sat on one of the cushions, sharpening one of her blades. The lantern was laying by her feet.

"Vernal," I said.

Her head snapped up. She looked relieved to see me.
"Raven? You're back earlier than I thought. I don't think you've been gone for half a day."

I shrugged. "I got my information faster than I expected. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave once again."

"What? Why?"

I shook my head. "It's for... personal reasons. And I'm not sure when I'll return. I'm trusting you to look after the tribe. You can do that for me, can't you?"

She nodded. "Yes. I'll do my best to protect our people. Do you still need me to look after the lantern?"

"No," I told her. "I plan on taking it with me this time."

I walked over to the relic and strapped it to my side. I spent the next few hours preparing my things. When it was dawn, I said my goodbyes to Vernal.

"Please stay safe," she said.

"I will," I reassured her. "You stay safe too. I'll be back."

I then sliced the air with my sword, creating a portal to Summer. We needed to have a long conversation about Salem.

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