Chapter 24: Qrow

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I stared at my sister in disbelief.
"Wait... you want us to just take an airship from the Atlesian Military? We can't do that! We'll be incarcerated!"

Raven just rolled her eyes.
"Incarnation should be the least of your worries. Personally, I'm more worried about the military trying to shoot us down."

I saw Heather nod in agreement.

"She's got a point," she said. "If the military sees us flying out of the city, they will most likely come to the conclusion that something strange is going on."

"Then how about we do it during nighttime? That way, no one can really see us that well. Our identity will be safe for the time being," Summer suggested.

I shook my head, trying not to laugh.
"Summer... airships have lights on them in order to see during the night. I'm sure someone is going to notice."

Summer glared over at me.
"I know that. I'm just saying that we need to hide ourselves until we've found an airship to get out of here. And the best way to do that is to do this mission during the night. I know the military bases are guarded, but we can take them out quickly if necessary and sneak in without anyone noticing."

Raven smiled. "I kinda like that idea. It gives me the chance to kick some ass too. That'll be fun."

"Raven," Summer said, "we aren't here to kill anyone. We just need this airship. I'll go try to contact Tyler."

Summer got up from her seat and walked towards one of the back rooms. The rest of us were silent for a few minutes.

"So... what do you all think about this?" I asked, as I turned to face Heather and the rest of her team.

Heather shrugged and replied, "Not really sure. But if this helps Summer and the rest of you guys, I'd be more than happy to help steal an airship. We're all in this together now."

I was just about to respond when Summer came into the living room.

"Sorry that took a bit long. I had to check on Yang and Ruby. But I do have some good news. Tyler has agreed to help. He said to meet him later tonight. He sent me the address of the base he's staying in."

"That's good to hear. When are we going to met him there?" I asked.

"Around eleven. So in about a few hours. I know all of us can't come because of the kids, so I'm just going to bring a few people. Qrow? Raven? Would you mind accompanying me?"

My sister and I both nodded in unison.

"I would be honored to join you," I said.

"And you're going to need some power at your side in case things get a bit messy. So I'd better come along, too," Raven said.

Summer smiled. "Great. Now we need to start packing our things. Gather up anything of importance and place them beside the front door. That way, we'll be ready to go once the Branwen twins and I get back."

Summer then walked to Yang and Ruby's room. Curious, I rose from my chair and followed her. Once I reached the door, I could hear her voice from the other side.

"...Sorry I had to wake you both. But we need to start packing again," she said.

"But why?" Yang asked.

"It's... hard to explain. Let's get started by packing up all your toys first, okay?"

After a few moments of silence, I gently knocked on the door.

"Hey... Summer?" I asked.

"Qrow? Did you need something?"

I opened the door a bit to peek inside.

"No," I replied. "Just wanted to check how things are going. Would you like some help?"

She smiled at me and nodded.
"Sure. Some help would be nice."

I walked inside and started to help Summer clean up a little. A few moments went by before I found the courage to speak first.

"So... why did you pick me to come with you tonight?"

"Because I wanted you to come," she replied, folding up Yang and Ruby's clothes and placing them inside a suitcase.

"Yeah, I get that. But why exactly? My semblance can make our plan go awry pretty quickly. I think that you should pick someone else—"

"No," she said, interrupting me. "I will not pick someone else."


She turned to face me, her silver eyes gazing into mine.

"Qrow," she said. "I chose you because I feel safe when you're around. And I know that if something were to happen, you would be there. Now... how about we finish with packing?"

I resumed cleaning, remaining almost completely silent. Once we were done, the room was pretty much immaculate. Summer had the two suitcases with her as she walked towards the door. I quickly rushed by her side to open it for her.

"Thank you," she said, walking out of the room and into the living room.

To my surprise, most of our things had been put away and packed already. Several suitcases were near the door, like Summer had asked.

"Wow, you guys got all this cleaned? I'll admit, I'm impressed," I said.

Heather just smiled at me. "It wasn't that hard. You just need a little something called teamwork."

Everyone laughed for a good minute. Then I heard Summer's phone go off.

"It's officially eleven. We'd better get going. Tai, could you look after the kids until we get back?" she asked.

Tai nodded. "Of course. Stay safe, please."

"Will do. Come on, Qrow. You too, Raven."

Raven and I followed Summer out of the house and into the dark streets of the city. There were a few people out, but not too many. We walked around for what seemed like ages.

"Ugh... where is this stupid place? I feel like I've been walking an hour!" Raven said.

"Relax, Raven," Summer said. "We're nearly there. And it's only been about fifteen minutes, not an hour."

Raven just glared at her.
"Whatever, smart-ass..."

"Ladies, can we not do this right now?" I asked. "We have a mission to do."

They both looked like they were going to punch me. But they remained quiet and kept walking. I followed them until we reached a huge building. There were a few soldiers patrolling the outside. And there were some airships too. They looked bigger and more intimating than the ones I've seen.

"Must be a new model," I said to myself.

"Okay, Tyler should be meeting us here. So I guess we wait," Summer said.

Raven sighed. "Great."

After a few minutes, a figure appeared from the darkness. I couldn't see exactly who it was. All I knew was that he was coming straight for the three of us. I gripped my scythe tightly.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" I demanded.

The figure just laughed. And once I could get a good look, I noticed that it was Tyler.

"Sorry," he said. "Didn't mean to scare you like that."

I grip loosened. "It's okay. I just didn't know if you were an enemy or not. So... how's military life going?"

Tyler rubbed the back of his neck and looked around nervously.

"Yeah... about that," he replied. "I may have... been discharged from the military."

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