Chapter 32: Qrow

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I sat on the couch with team WHTE. Fujiyama was sitting near us, he looked down at the floor, his dark and messy hair hiding his face. He had joined us to learn how to use his abilities, and yet Summer wasn't even here to teach him how...

Welp, I thought, I guess it falls to me for now...

"Hey, Fujiyama," I said.

He looked up at me, his face looking a bit surprised.

"Er, yes?" he asked me.

"How would you like to learn how to use your eyes? I know our leader isn't here at the moment to help teach you, so I thought I could take her place for now. I may not have silver eyes myself, but I do know some things about them."

His eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious? But this will be my first time using them. What if I mess up?"

"Don't worry about that," I told him. "I'll have your back the entire time. So no Grimm will be eating on you today."

He smiled a bit. "Sounds good. I will admit, I am a bit nervous..."

I stood to my feet and offered my hand out to him, he took it and pulled himself up.

"Don't worry," I said. "You were a fighter back in your village, weren't you? If you mess up, your battle instincts should kick in. And if they don't, you'll have me as backup. We'll head into the forest for some first time training. Ready to go?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, Qrow. You're pretty cool."

I chuckled a little and replied, "Thanks. You seem pretty cool too."

"So, the two of you are going to the forest?" Erin asked quietly. "Are you sure that's safe right now? With Salem after us and these Grimm attacks getting stronger, I just... don't think it's a great idea."

"Let them train for at least today, Erin," Heather said. "Salem probably still thinks we're still in Atlas. Either that, or she's sending her minions to find us. And if she is, I'm guessing that it's going to take them a few days to find out where we are, so we'll have a few days of peace until then. Let's make use of that peace while we can. We don't get it often these days..."

"I'll look after him, Erin," I reassured her. "Besides, it's just until Summer returns. Which I'm guessing is going to be tomorrow or the next day."

Erin still looked a bit unsure. Tyler and William hadn't said a word the entire time and seemed indifferent on the situation.

"Look, if they don't return by sundown, I'll go out to the forest to find them," Heather said. "The only real threats in there are just large Beowolves and the occasional Nevermore, right?"

I looked towards her and nodded. "Pretty much. Nothing too strong or intimidating."

Heather smirked. "Perfect. I can slice through Beowolves and Nevermores all night. Just call if you need backup. Or I'll come to you two if you guys don't return by nightfall."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go, Fujiyama," I said, walking towards the front door. Fujiyama followed closely behind me.

We were both quiet while walking to the forest. As we walked through the dense trees, I finally heard him speak.

"So... uh... how do I do this?" he asked.

"Well, we need to find some Grimm to use your powers on first. Let's wait until we see some Beowolves," I suggested.

Fujiyama nodded and we both stood still within the trees. After about half an hour, we saw a small pack of Beowolves enter the clearing nearby to us.

"Now what?" he asked, looking at me.

"From what I gather, you need lot of concentration. Emotions play a part too, I'm pretty sure. Just think. What is it you want to do?" I asked him.

He looked towards the pack of Grimm and closed his eyes.

"...I want to protect people from these destructive creatures," he whispered.

After a brief moment, his eyes opened again, revealing a bright light that spread throughout the area. I had to cover my own eyes for a few seconds before the light faded.

Fujiyama looked visibly confused as he blinked a few times and looked around. The pack of Beowolves were gone. All that remained were little flecks of light. It looked like Fujiyama was going to be a natural at his abilities.

"Did... I do it?" he asked.

"Yeah, you did. First try, too. I'm impressed," I said.

Fujiyama looked over at me and grinned. "Thanks. Turns out you're a great teacher."

I smiled at him. "Thanks, kid. We could hang out here for some more practice if you want, or we could  head back to the house and rest for a bit. What do you say?"

"Hmm... how about we—"

"Well well... if it isn't Qrow again. I see you gained yourself an extra brat too," I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned around to see Felice levitating behind us. She had her flaming eyes on Fujiyama.

"Um... who is that?" Fujiyama asked.

"Someone you shouldn't trust and don't want to get too close to," I replied.

Felice grinned as she floated closer towards us. I instantly got my scythe ready and aimed it at her.

"If you lay one finger on him, I'll—"

I suddenly felt my feet get stuck in place. And I couldn't move my arms. Dammit. I had forgotten about her semblance...

"I'm not interested in you at the moment," Felice told me. "I'm more interested in... that boy."

I stared in horror as she landed gracefully on her feet. Her arm and hand were still extended towards me, keeping me in place. As she looked at Fujiyama closer, her face turned shocked.

"No way," she whispered. "...Another?"

Fujiyama looked at her, confused.
"Um... what?" he asked her.

"Salem is going to be interested to know that they've managed to find another one," Felice said to herself. "And I don't feel like taking on an extremely skilled scythe wielder on my own. I have to retreat and tell the others immediately..."

Felice then levitated off the ground before flying off into the distance. I felt her mental grip across my body loosen instantly.

"Phew... I thought I was going to have to have you call for backup," I said.

"Who was that woman? And how was she floating like that? And why was she so interested in me?"

I looked down at him, my heart filled with dread.

"...Let's just head back to the house," I told him. "I'll have Summer explain everything when she gets back."

"Okay," he replied, as he started to follow me back to the house.

Looks like we won't have those few days of peace after all, I thought. Dammit...

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