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"armin 💛"


Doing your homework, you heard a ding coming from your phone, thinking to yourself, 'homework can wait for later.' You instead flopped down on your bed and begin texting back to who had texted you, which was armin, which was quite a surprise.

do you need
anything armin?

can i talk to you..
you're the only one
I know that would be
up at this hour so.
you don't have to
say yes if you don't
want to of course
I was just asking.

No need to panic.
Besides, you know my
sleep schedule is shit
anyways, so I don't mind.
I'm all eyes. ^^


Take your time.
I'm not pressuring
you, okay?

I feel like I don't
deserve any of you guys..
You're all so special and
unique.. While I'm just..

Hun, what makes
you think all of that?

You won't laugh?

I won't.
I'm not one to
laugh at people.

It's just that all
of you guys have
so much special talents
and qualities..
Mikasa is strong and
really pretty..
Even though jean can
be a jerk he has
strength and
the will to do anything..
Eren has so much determination
to work as a doctor..
Sasha is good at hunting
and her and Connie can make
anyone laugh..
Annie is super strong and knows
what to say and where to say it..
Ymir has such a great friendship
with historia that she is obviously
much more of a better friend
then I could ever be..
Even though Levi is short, he has
hange is super smart.. Way smarter
Then I could ever be..
Erwin has great leadership and
knows what advice to give..
Historia.. even in the most stressful
Situations she can make anyone
smile.. no matter what..
Petra... She can get along with
everyone.. Even Levi himself..
and Marco...
I'm none of those..

Okay, listen here Armin. And
listen (or look) closely.


Just because they have those
qualities doesn't mean you
don't have them too.


You're probably one of the
smartest people I know.

But hange.. Mikasa..

Hange is smart, but she
can be a dumbass.
Mikasa isn't smart academically,
she's smart logically.
While you're smart both ways..
in fact, you're a genius.


No. Whatever
you're thinking is
not the truth and
instead is a big
fat lie that can
go die in hell.
Maybe you're not
strong, but you're
logic and brain
makes up for that.
you're not smart in strength, no.
But, you're smart in these things.
And smarts.


Of course, why the heck would I lie to my friend? That's just plain out bullshit.
Honestly, don't focus on other people.
That's one of your biggest weaknesses,
and you need to get rid of that by
instead thinking of your best qualities
and knowing your worth. Everyone is
different and has their own special abilities
along with weaknesses, nobody is perfect.
So don't you ever think down bad about
yourself, okay? Because at the end of the
day as long as you are you, then that's what
makes you, well, special.
I know it may be hard to not focus on other people, but please, try, that's all I ask for. And if you ever think these thoughts again, tell me. :)

I.. thank you Y/n..

It's what friends are for!

'it's what friends are for..' Armin repeats inside his head, a frown appearing on his face, but he shook away the thoughts and instead replaced the frown with a smile, a small blush on his cheeks, a certain type of unknown feeling fluttering around in his stomach.



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Just because Armin is smart doesn't mean he's smart about feelings. ;) im making him dense along with some others to torture you guys.. Also, two special boys will be added in the next chapter. 😘

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