the tiktok trend

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HELP I DELETED CHAPTERS NOT REALIZING IT LOWERS MY READS... oh well... also i have edited all old chapters. mainly the things that i found offensive / things that people have pointed out (certain words, emojis, etc.) also realize i used mami one time in a sexual way which i'm deeply sorry about. <3 also first chapter of my jujutsu kaisen book, 'miss kamisato' will be out tomorrow. it's a fanfic that i'm really proud of and i hope you guys would be interested in checking out!

"special operation cleaning squad"

this tiktok trend is making me so mad
cant even use the closet bathroom have to walk all the way down to the fucking cafeteria

what tiktok trend?

i was gonna ask that too

it's like a stealing trend idk how to put it into words or explain it good

technically it's a trend that students (though mainly high schoolers) are doing. it's where they steal stuff from schools. it wasn't as bad at first, as it first started with just stealing small things that could easily be replaced, but soon had gotten so out of hand. people have stolen fire alarms, sanitizer machines and one person even stoled a students shoe when they were in the stall going to the bathroom.


exactly. and that's not the worst part, they've even gotten so far that some people had stolen stuff from their teachers, including their wallets and such.

somebody literally stoled a damn desk

teachers don't get paid financially enough to replace everything, and schools are low when it comes to funding.

all this for some trend?

and the fact that im not even in high school but in university. the fact that the people who have been doing this are literally adults makes me so confused. do they not know what common sense is?

this is actually happening. just a few days ago, it was announced in my school that kids have been stealing from the bathrooms because of a tiktok trend, along with graffitiing the walls of the bathrooms too. i didn't know much about the trend, as i'm more on animal and anime tiktok and i'm barley on it at that, so i decided to do some research and i was absolutely disgusted. schools don't get funded enough to pay for the things people destroy. and the teachers their stealing from take time out of their day to teach you, even if it's something you may never use they still try to teach you.

you're vandalizing. you're stealing but most of all you're ruining something that doesn't belong to you. the most disgusted is, the high school i go to is brand new and the fact it's already being destroyed disgusts me. so many kids have been expelled and some even being pressed against with charges. if you know somebody who's apart of the 'trend' or is participating in it, tell the school. don't worry about wether they'll stop being your friend, they're committing a crime.

but most of all, if you're participating in this disgusting thing, explain and tell me, why? why on earth are you doing this? what has school ever done to you? i'll admit, school has been the reasons for my own problems and health problems too, but never once has it made me hate school to the point i'd start vandalism. you deserve jail.

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