#1 note

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Hello everyone. :) this is very important and it's best you don't skip.

All characters will be their s4 age BESIDES the following!

Levi, Erwin, Hanji and Petra. Anybody above the age of 30 has been changed. I don't know their ages fully, but i am sure that they are above the age of 20, and are / at least in their 20's. I am quite sure Levi and Erwin are in their 30's or 40's. the reason being that this takes place in a modern universe, and everyone is in collage. i want them all to be the age that i think fit for collage, which is above 19 but below the age of 30. (at least, that's what my assumption is.) that goes along with the characters who are already adults even in the cannon aot timeline.

The walls (wall Sina, wall rose and wall Maria) have been changed to, instead of a name of a wall, it has been changed to a name of a state to where everyone had come from.

All the characters attend Sina university, which as the name states, is located in Sina.

Some characters may be out of character, but it's solely for plot purposes.

Any grammar errors that include using the wrong 'your' is intentionally for comedy purposes only, along with any spelling errors, if there is any errors that are not meant to be there, please let me know and I'll fix it.

There will be mentions of sexual content. if that makes you uncomfortable then i suggest leaving.

Hanji will be using she/they pronouns for the sake of the plot. I know that they're ambiguous, but for plot purposes I'll be making them have she/they pronouns.

Also the reader will be using they/them pronouns, you may replace them with your own pronouns. I'll be using things such as 'beautiful / handsome / good looking.'

I will also try to, when putting in pictures, make sure to add ones of white people, black people, Asians and Muslims, otherwise I think that is all.

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