choke me like u hate me

547 23 33

Hello, I'm so sorry that most of the chapters are just announcement and notes please forgive me... </3 anyways Umm I'll try my best to update more I'm super sorry also please check out my tpn (the promise Neverland) fanfic that I spent my whole life on just for the very few first chapters.. Uhh, anyways thank you all once again very much for over 3k reads, we're so close to 4K I can't believe it. So because of that have a lyric prank chapter as a (almost 4K) special. <3 this is inspired by texting videos are YouTube because I'm literally addicted to them it's not even funny. Once again, enjoy! ❤️ also pictures that are shown do not belong to me but were found on Pinterest solely from the purpose of this chapter. Art shown do also not belong to me, they were found on Pinterest and I made sure to credit the artists

"special operation cleaning squad"

did you guys see y/n's new insta post? 🗣

They posted?

Pics? 👀💦

ill pretend that the emojis aren't in that text

Mikasa just too gay 😫😫

as I should be 😫💦

anyways here's y/n's pics from their insta post mika babe

Sasha anyways here's y/n's pics from their insta post mika babe

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