Chapter 2

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My dad finally picked up the phone on the second call to him.
"Hey Y/N, how are you?"
"Hey I'm doing great, how are you?"
"I'm doing great I just got done filming 'Mamma
"That's great dad."
"So how's college going? Meeting new people?"
"College is going great. I met a person named Rami Malek."
"I'm glad you met Rami."
"Yea, I actually have a date with him tonight."
"Really? Well I have to go now. I hope you have fun on your date but not to much fun."
"What? I'm just warning you, if I find out I'm a grandpa at this age your not going to hear the end of it."
"I also know after my last relationship you're extra concerned."
"You know it."
"Bye dad."
"Bye sweetheart."
I hung up the phone with a weird feeling like something is wrong. But in the end I ignored those feelings. I finished my homework for my two other classes, which were online, prop history and building/finding props at around 11:30. At noon I went to a local subway place and got myself a sub and went home. After about two hours of being home I went to my job which was working at a local coffee shop. It payed well and was walking distance from my apartment. I walked in and started taking orders and making them. I saw a couple usuals like Steve, who had long hair and played guitar here on Saturday nights. After talking to Sarah, who was another usual who was very pretty, I heard a familiar face appear.
"Hi, I would like a medium chai iced tea."
"Ok, what's the name?"
"Ok Rami anything else for you today?"
"Just to have a good time tonight with the most beautiful girl who so happens to be standing right in front of me. Why didn't you tell me you worked here?"
"I don't know. I just didn't find it necessary I tell you, yet."
"Well I'm for sure going to be a regular costumer here now."
I started to blush, I walk away to start on his drink and since there was only Sarah, Steve, Rami, and my co-workers, Haily and Lucy, I took my time by talking to Lucy.
"See that guy with the army green shirt sitting at the table next to Steve?"
"Yea? Wait is that the guy?"
"Oh my gosh Y/N/N he is so hot."
"Who is hot?"
Haily walked behind us and asked.
"Haily, see the guy at the table next to Steve?"
"Yea, and?"
"That's the guy who asked out Y/N/N."
"What? How are you so lucky?"
"I have no clue."
I simply say as I finished Rami's drink and started walking towards him. My hands were shaking. I mean he could literally have any girl he wants be he chose me. Why me? Lucy, Haily, and Sarah are all better looking then me. Lucy and Sarah both had long-short blonde hair and olive green eyes. While haily had short brunette hair with blonde highlights and Carmel brown eyes. They were also all slim. I on the other hand had a figure like a cereal box and messy H/L of H/C hair. I finally arrived at Rami's table to set down his drink. He just looked up at me and smiled.
"Thank you Y/N for my drink."
"Yea, it's no problem. If you need anything just ask me, Haily, or Lucy."
"All I ask is to have a great time tonight."
I walked away with a smile on my face. The girls looked at me with knowing smiles which made me blush. After my four hour work shift I walked home to get ready for the date. Since it was a movie date I decided on wearing jeans, my nirvana shirt, and black converse. It was now 7:00 and I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door I saw my ex Jack.
"Hey Y/N, it's been a while."
"Hi Jack it has been a while since half way through senior year in fact. Why are you here?"
"I just wanted to say I miss you and I want you back."
"Well that makes one of us."
"Oh come on Y/N/N, take me back."
"I believe she said no."
I heard an angelic voice pipe up from behind Jack. I looked over his shoulder to see Rami. He was standing up with his white polo buttoned up one, his jeans were lose but fitted, he had a bomber jacket over his forearm, and had some white with three black stripped adidas on.
"And who are you?"
"I'm the one who is taking Y/N/N to a movie and the one she trust more."
"How do you know that?"
" 'cause I know she wouldn't go back to someone who cheated on her with her own friend."
With that Jack left. Rami went up to me gave me a smile and offered his arm. I gladly excepted and walked to his car. When we got to the Theater I noticed that one of the movies was 'goldeneye'. I liked that movie and was one of my favourite bond films my dad was in. I mentioned it to Rami , without telling him James Bond was my father, and he excitedly said yes. Apparently pierce brosnan was his favourite bond, guess I'll tell my dad that my date was a fan. After the movie Rami drove me home and we talked more. When we arrived he walked me to my door to my apartment.
"I had fun tonight."
"Me too. Thank you for walking me to my door."
"It's no problem at all."
With that we leaned into a kiss. It was warm, soft, gentle and slow. We pulled apart and just looked at each other.
"Would you like to go on another date with me?"
"Ok what about tomorrow at 6:00? I can pick you up from work."
"I'm cool with that."
"Ok have a goodnight my love."
"You too."
With that he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked back to his car.

Unintended meeting {Rami Malek x reader}Where stories live. Discover now