6: hoseok

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Seokjin ran his slender fingers through the delicate locks of Jungkook's hair, the younger boy laying on him with his eyes trained to whichever movie played on the TV. The frolicking hues danced over his orbs, distracting his brain from the low sound of footsteps coming towards the living room.

"Who said you could just walk around free—"

"Yoongi," Namjoon glared a trenchant look towards the sulky gang member before giving his attention to the boy in the doorway, "how was your shower, Minjun?"

The teenager was dressed in Jimin's black sweatpants and a cream-coloured hoodie, his damp hair now cleansed of vomit. His fingers toyed feverishly with the fabric near his waist, observing the room calmly.

"I, I just- I got the bandages wet."

Minjun elevated his arms a fraction to present his wrists, dripping gauze grasping onto the damaged skin which caused a slight grimace to grow on Seokjin's lips.

Hoseok, sliding his hands from Taehyung's waist, stood up and advanced closer to the boy, "follow me, I'll get you cleaned up." As he reached out to evaluate the boy's injured flesh, Minjun flinched out of his proximity.

He stared up with cowardly eyes, his red lips moulded downwards into a frown.

"I'm not going to hurt you, kid." Hoseok attempted to take Minjun's arm once again, but bitterly sighed upon seeing the boy move away, "alright, what the hell is your problem?"

"You are the one who kidnapped him," Yoongi snorted, taking his seat beside Taehyung who immediately snuggled into his torso. Hoseok let out a scoff, glowering at the arsonist.

"You killed his fucking parents," he said, "all I did was prevent myself from being identified."

The only noise in the room was the dulled volume from the television as Minjun wordlessly turned to look at Yoongi - his dull, glossy eyes meeting the evil that saw his parents in their last moments.

In his third effort, Hoseok was successful to take ahold of Minjun. The teenager almost fell weak against his body as he was considerately guided out of the room and towards the medical office.

"He had a reason for doing what he did, kid. You wouldn't understand. If you try anything towards Yoongi, there are six other men here who wouldn't hesitate to kill you."

Minjun, cheeks irritated and dehydrated, shook his head.

"Good boy," Hoseok said, "we'll get along well."

Minjun was lead into a room about the same size as Namjoon's office. Instead of a costly, wooden desk and sophisticated, expensive decor; the centre of the room was home to an adult-sized clinic bed. Most noticeably, in one corner sat mounds of pre-packed first-aid kits.

The colour white burned Minjun's stinging eyes.

A sour smell of disinfectant and pungent chemicals irritated his nose as Minjun was directed towards the bed.

"Sit down," Hoseok instructed. Minjun perched on the spongey mattress, having to shuffle himself backwards in order to settle himself comfortably. His eyes twitched at the sight of Hoseok bringing a box and placing it beside him.

"How- how did they die?"

Hoseok's coffee-coloured eyes crept over the teenager's distraught face.

"Gunshot." It was a lie. The gang member knew the horrific actions Yoongi would have taken to make the man suffer, but the innocence and hurt in the teenager's eyes stopped him from worrying him further, "it was instant."

The man and the woman writhed around in ear-splitting torture until the flames ultimately dissolved their mutilated bodies and souls, and Hoseok dared to tell their orphaned son that it was immediate.

"I won't go to- to, uh, help- if you let me—"

"Forget it. Do you even know where we are? Who we are?"

Minjun shook his head, biting his lip and watching the man confidently re-wrap his wrists.

"We're in Seoul. You aren't getting yourself back to Gurim with no money, kid. That's a four-hour drive, I'd say."

Minjun cringed when Hoseok intentionally compressed the gauze on his less-damaged wrist.

"So don't even think about escaping. If we don't catch and kill you, you'll just be bait for the next gang to come and take you."

The boy withdrew his hands and held them close to his chest, still as he nodded and concentrated on his legs. The medic rolled his eyes, notwithstanding the fact that he wasn't being watched, and kept placid while he packed up his equipment.

"Be appreciative," Hoseok demanded abruptly, "if you weren't here, you'd be homeless. Go back to the living room. Seokjin will see to it that you get fed."

Minjun, with reluctance, wriggled his way off of the bed and mutely left the medical room, leaving Hoseok to whatever affairs he wished to attend to. His cold feet led him to the room he had come from, the sound of youthful chatter increasing with each step.

He passed an opened door, momentarily stopping in the hallway to peer inside. On the opposite wall to where he was observing from was a great window. Large enough to fit a human body, and the thought that intruded in the boy's mind was uplifting.

I'll remember that.

Minjun turned, only to come face-to-shoulder with Jimin, who'd been waiting for his return since Hoseok had informed them of the teenager's departure. Jimin graced Minjun with a friendly smile, benevolently moving him aside so that he could shut the door.

He looked down at the boy, "hungry?"

He looked down at the boy, "hungry?"

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