chapter 5

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Jimin hissed in pain as he tried getting up. Everything hurt badly.

He couldn't even get up. He forced himself to get up or else his mom would.

Jimin limped to the bathroom,hissing in pain. He looked in the mirror and was disgusted.

He started applying some foundation to hide the hideous bruises on his cheek and forehead. He lightly dabbed it on, trying not to hurt himself.

At the end it looked pretty decent. As if he
wasn't being abused at home or at school.

Jimin limped to his room and put on a simple outfit. He put on some black jeans with a black long-sleeved shirt.

why dress well when
everyone hates you? In the end, dressing well never did anything. They all just cared about looks.

Because no matter what he wears, he was still 'ugly' And no one would want to approach him.

Jimin grabbed his backpack and limped downstairs. He saw his mom drinking a beer, sitting in the dining room.

"Where were you." She said coldly, glaring at him.

"I-I stayed in school for a few hours to finish my project and then went to go eat something."He lied.

"Why eat?" She said. Jimin heard the harshness in her tone.

"You're such an embarrassment. Don't you care about what our
neighbors are saying?!" She told him, fuming.

"I do...Ill do better." Jimin looked down.

"Get out." She said, not even sparing him a glance. She didn't want to look at him.

Jimin bit his lip nervously before heading out.

"I'm such an embarrassment"

Jimin muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Jimin felt some drops of rain fall onto his hand.

"Fuck." Jimin muttered as it started raining. He didn't have anything to cover himself with. And he couldn't use his backpack since his papers would get wet, leading to teachers yelling at him.

Jimin just walked in the rain, getting soaked in rain. He shivered violently as he kept walking.

He saw some cars drive by with his classmates inside. Most were laughing and some were recording him suffering.

Jimin was pretty sure he
was gonna end up on Social media.

He just looked down until he made it to school. He was soaked everywhere. He shivered as he walked to his locker.

"Well well well, if it isn't fat pigmin." Jin chuckled at the name he came up with.

"Ew he's all wet. I don't wanna touch that." Taehyung gave Jimin a disgusted look.

"Please leave me alone." Jimin muttered, shivering. And not from how cold it was. From

Jimin flinched as he saw Jungkook take a step forward.

The rest of the group laughed at how pathetic he was.

Jungkook grabbed Jimin by his hair and slammed his face against the locker. Jimin hissed in pain, almost letting out a whimper.

Jungkook then roughly threw him on the ground. He stood above him and scoffed."The
sight of just looking at you makes me want to throw up."

Jungkook glared at him.
Jimin felt something drip
touched his forehead and saw that it was blood.

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