chapter 13

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"Fucking pig. The fuck
was that smile for? I bet
he was mocking us." Jin
scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Tch just forget about him. He's a nobody anyways.

Does anyone actually give a fuck about him?" Suga said, chuckling a bit sheepishly.

Namjoon just rolled his eyes, stuffing some fries in his mouth.

Jimin sat in the corner
of the bathroom, lost in

Should he end it?
Should he end this painful life full of misery?

He thought about all
the good things in his life. When he's gone, he
wouldn't be able to dance anymore.
He wouldn't be able to
see Ms. Ross. He wouldn't be able to give her hugs. Tell her all his problems. He wouldn't be able to be comforted by her.

He wouldn't be able to
sing. He absolutely loved
singing. Even though he
thought he was horrible at it.

He used to be such a
cheerful kid. What
happened to the kid? Oh
yeah, he grew up.

He began hating every single thing about himself. He couldn't even go outside without wondering if he looks ugly.

He hated himself. And there was no orne to

He couldn't possibly love himself because of all of the things that he is being told.

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the bell ring.

He groaned as he got up, every muscle in his body aching.

He got up and decided to pay Ms. Ross a visit before he's gone. Because she was the only one that cared

He walked down the hall. Everything seemed so slow. As if time had slowed down.

Maybe that was because he knew he didn't have much time left. Who knew, even we have an expiration date. And his time has come.

His eyes were so dull. As if he had no emotions. As if he had given up.

Jimin's eyes landed on BTS passing by. They gave himnglares and smirks.

Jimin just stay emotionless and kept walking.

He made it to the office and waited for Ms. Ross. He started playing with his hands, feeling slightly nervous.

"Jimin? Is that you?" He heard an angelic voice say.

Instantly, a smile formed on his face as he got up.

"Yeah" Jimin let out, still smiling.

Ms. Ross quickly went to greet him. She pulled him into a hug. Jimin hugged back, a tear escaping. He quickly wiped it, not wanting her
to see it.

"So what made you stop by?" She gave him a soft smile.

"-just wanted to say hi. Il really miss you. You were the only person that cared." Jimin mumbled.

Ms. Ross tilted her head innconfusion and separated their hug.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?"
She sounded concerned.

Jimin gulped, feeling hot
tears forming. He gave her a fake smile, not wanting to cry.

"I-I'm just..just..I don't
know. I'm so lost and i-"
Jimin said in a broken

Ms. Ross engulfed him in
a tight hug. As if it were
their last hug.

"It's okay, Jimin. We'll get
through this together. I
promise." She said, feeling tears falling down her cheek.

"I've already caused you enough pain. Maybe its time to go." Jimin said, shutting his eyes closed, a tear escaping.

"No don't say that. You are the best thing that happened to me. I really care about you. I don't want to lose you." She
said, resting her head in
Jimin's shoulder.

She parted from the hug
and looked at Jimin.

"Just please don't do anything stupid." She let out a shaky sigh.

Jimin smiled at her,
wiping his tears. "I know
what I'm doing."

She gave him a soft smile and gave him one last hug before going back to work.

Jimin let out a sniff before he started to walk away to his house.
"So he started making out with that bitch. And that slut didn't know any better so of course they hooked up."

Namjoon sat in the cafeteria and tried to tune out Jungkook but damn he was loud.

"Well what are you gonna do about it?" Jin asked.

"Beat him the fuck up. I'm also breaking up with that slut." Jungkook said, crossing his arms.

"Pfft okay. It was bound to happen." Suga said coldly.

"Why are you always so cold? Like damn who hurt you." Jungkook said, rolling his eyes.

"Not your slutty ex that's for sure." Suga fired back. The whole table except for Jungkook burst out in laughter.

He glared at Suga and
roled his eyes.

The bell rang and they all got up. They pushed through the crowd and started walking to their classes.

"Hey isn't that Ms. Piggy?" Jin said, pointing at Jimin who was walking down the hall.

They all looked and glared at him, slightly smirking.

Namjoon noticed something. His eyes were so emotionless. There was no spark of happiness as there was before..They were so dull. Like if there was no hope.

"Namjoon! Hello?!" Taehyung waved his hand in front on Namjoon.

"What? Huh?" He snapped out of his thoughts.

"I said are you in or out." Taehyung crossed his arms.

"For what?" Namjoon said, feeling confused.

Taehyung let out a sigh.

"Let's spy on Park Jimin. And we'll follow him until he's alone to beat him up."

He said, a playful smirk lingering in his lips.

Namjoon nodded. He had this feeling he quite didn't understand. It was..pity?

Did he actually feel bad for Jimin? No way. No one could feel bad for that useless piggy.

'Yoongi is making you crazy Namjoon. Stop thinking about that.'

Namjoon shook those thoughts out of his head. He shouldn't feel bad for him. He caused this on

A smirk took over his face as they turned around to follow Jimin.

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