chapter 32

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"Mr. Lee, Mr. Kim is here to meet you." 

The old man shot a lazy glance at his worker and gestured a sign of approval. A second later a bluff man in white suit padded in with his beckoning boots.

Mr. Lee perked up from his seat, eyes gone wide with a sudden rush of pleasure and anxiety. The man smirked and dragged a chair for himself. 

"Long time no see Mr. Lee." The said man flashed an awkward grin and slammed himself back on his leather seat.

"G-good morning Mr. Kim." He stammered while the back portion of his mind kept throwing a long chain of curses at his assistant for not specifying which Mr. Kim she was talking about. 

Out of all the unfortunate encounters he could have at the crack of dawn this one was the worst. Obviously, who would like to deal with Kim fucking Junmyeon with a duck like face.

Junmyeon clasped his hands together. "Well, It's been a long time since I visited this school. Being a shareholder I should come here more often." 

Mr. Lee just stared at him blankly like a constipated platypus. "What's the matter?" He forced these words out along with a small, almost inaudible 'sir' in the end. 

"Well, I want you to do something. Call it a request, favour or dictation, I don't care, just keep in mind that you must do it whether you like it or not."  There was a pause for a moment before Junmyeon snapped his fingers to drag the old man back from his thoughts. 

"So the first thing I want is enrollment of two of my kids without any entrance test. Next, Ms. Ross will be transferred here again. Now, I want slight changes in the schedules of these students………….

Mr. Lee huffed out a defeated sigh and began writing everything down. The list was going to be endless, that was sure.


"Hey, did you see Park Jimin? Gosh! He looked so hot and those new friends of his…… I swear I'll faint from those visuals!" 

Hoseok's ears perked up like a scared bunny. His eyes squinted in fear. Did he mishear? He flipped out his phone only to get bombarded with 15 chatting notifications, all of them panicking over Jimin's comeback. Over these months this was the longest talk they had managed to hold. Mostly it revolved around Taehyung as Jimin practically lived in his house. They would receive small updates about their victim's recovery and a few bitter words Tae would accidently scramble up whenever he saw Jimin being too affectionate with his brother.

To be honest, all of them had a little jealousy over that fact. But they had no right to accumulate those sentiments. Hoseok had spent the time fighting inner battles with self hate and turmoil. His daily routine had reserved a special part when he would go to the bank of Han river and spend hours debating over his life. Whether to end it like a pussy or live it like a blatant prick. 

His brain was tumbling around with consequences which, somehow, ended up convincing him not to commit suicide. Another reason to do so was to see Jimin fully recovered and filled with confidence. The irony. He wanted to see the flower bloom again after smashing it with his own hands. 

Before he knew it, he was standing in the hallways, witnessing the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 


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