chapter 15

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Jimin gasped as he woke up, clutching his neck. He let out heavily breaths as he felt tears forming.

He felt so disappointed with himself. He couldn't believe it. He was so close and just for him to back out?

Jimin carefully stood up and grabbed his phone from his desk.

He looked at the time and saw that it was 3:33 am.

"Jesus did I really sleep through the day?" Jimin mumbled.

He would have school in a few hours. Jimin scrolled down his phone and saw that he had a voicemail. Jimin was confused and
tapped on it.

"Hey Jimin. It's me Ms. Ross. I just wanted to check in on you. I really do care about you and well.I just want you to be okay. -I hope everything is okay and that you're safe. I couldn't bare anything happening to you.

Please just...remember that I love you. See you
Tomorrow, angel and put a smile on that face. We both know that you could do it. Take care, Jimin."

Jimin was surprised. He choked a sob out, holding his head in his hands.

He sat there, crying. He was so stupid to trying to kill himself. What would Ms. Ross think of that?

Especially since she...loves him. It was like a mother and son kind of love.

Jimin hadn't experienced that kind of love. He didn't think anyone cared about him.

Jimin wiped his tears with his sleeve and stood up. He put the rope away and cleaned everything up.

Jimin sat on his bed. Why did things have to be so complicated? Why couldn't he just go without feeling bad? She would have been much better without him. Besides, he wouldn't stay for long.

Jimin shook those thoughts away and decided to get some sleep. Her words lingered in his mind as he slowly drifted to sleep.
.............(time skip brought to you by Yixing's healing powers.)

Jimin woke up to his alarm clock beeping. Jimin groaned as he got up. And here he though he wasn't going to have to go to school anymore.

He sighed as he brushed his hand through his hair.

Jimin opened his bedroom door and peeped in the living room.

As usual, his mom was passed out on the sofa with bottles around her. Thank goodness she didn't go to his room yesterday.

Would she have been happy? That he would no longer be a burden to her?

Jimin sighed and shook of those thoughts, making his way to the bathroom.

He looked the door and looked in the mirror. His eyes widened.

His neck was all purple and bruised.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Jimin said, gripping his hair.

This would last for days, even weeks. How the hell was he supposed to hide them?

Jimin breathed in and out and made his way to his room. He searched in his closet for some hoodies.

Jimin smiled as he saw the huge cooler of his blazer. He slid it on and looked in his mirror.

He adjusted the blazer coller so that it covered everything. If he was careful, he could hide the bruise.

Jimin let out a sigh of relief and went back to the bathroom to fix his makeup.

His face looked like a mess. His fingers glided over his face. He looked hideous.

Jimin looked at himself with disgust and started putting on foundation to hide the nasty bruises.

At the end, he looked decent. Jimin smiled of the thought that he didn't look broken.

Jimin stared at his backpack. He shrugged. He would be gone soon so he didn't really care anymore.

He put his hands in his
Pocket and walked out the front door, passing the kitchen.

He hasn't eaten in days. And probably shouldn't. After all, he doesn't want to gain weight.

Jimin walked to school, too busy in his thoughts through the whole way there.

Jimin eventually made it to the school and saw people looking at him with disgust. He looked down, feeling worthless.

Without any friends there was nothing to do. So he just went to his class and sat there.

He saw Suga walk in, of course he glared at him, sitting in front of him.

Jimin just stayed emotionless. He didn't say a single word.

He couldn't anyways. His throat hurt from the hanging. He could only manage saying some words.

Eventually class started and it went like a blur to Jimin. He wasn't paying attention. Jimin looked at the window. He saw a big and beautiful bridge. It was far away but you could tell it was a bridge.

Jimin turned to look at the teacher, not wanting to get called on for not paying attention.

His mind wandered to the bridge. Is it high enough? Should I do it? Jimin thought.

And he made his final

He would. He would jump. He could no longer live in this cruel world. He was unwanted here.

All the hate that he gets.
All the pain that he goes

Why should he keep living? For what? To be beaten up?

Jimin shook those thoughts away and payed attention to the lesson.

He saw Yoongi turning to look at him. Eyeing him. Jimin didn't dare make eye contact with him. He just pretended that he didn't see him.


Jimin let out a sigh of relief. He got up and started walking when he felt someone grab his arm.

He turned and saw Suga.
Jimin let out a sigh. "What? Are you going to beat me up? You know what? I'm used to it. Just get it over with." He said in a hoarse voice.

Suga's face expression changed when he saw Jimin's neck.

"What the hell happened to your neck?" He questioned.

Jimin's eyes widened.

"Fuck." He muttered and tried covering it.

The grip on his arm got
tighter. "Answer, Jimin." He said ina serious voice.

"Fine. He did it." Jimin said, pointing behind Yoongi.

Yoongi turned to look and saw nothing behind him. He turned to look at Jimin and saw that he was running.

"Son of a bitch." He muttered before he ran after him.

Jimin ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He looked behind him and saw Suga chasing him.

Jimin made a sharp turn and ran up the stairs, going into a abandoned room.

He closed the door and slid against it. He sat down, hugging his knees.

"Fuck." He heard Suga mutter. He heard footsteps getting further away.

Jimin let out a sigh of relief and rested his head against the door.

Jimin didn't want his pity. Especially since he treated him like shit.

He wasn't going to stop him from carrying his plan out.

Out running karma (Jimin X BTS)Where stories live. Discover now