chapter 31

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"Park Jimin. Here to meet Caroline Park." He spoke, flushing his sweaty palm on the counter. Hair near my styled but damp in sweat, lips pulled into a continuous grip of teeth, voice shaky and slow. It was the day, the day Mr. Kim had promised him to meet his mother. The said man decided to stay away from his matter. He didn't have the courage to face her again, his heart was broken enough.

The counter lady pushed her spectacles to her nose. "Can I get the documents?" 

He nodded and pushed the plastic file on her table. After A brief scan and questionnaire, he was assisted by two officers who were supposed to walk him to her cell.

For a brief moment his eyes wandered at Mr. Kim, fear filled orbs silently asking if he wanted to join him but the old man shook his head right at the moment, batting his eyes probably to get rid of approaching tears. 

Jimin couldn't help but hang his head low in defeat and tag along with those men in blue. With high clicking of timberlands and sonourcity of moronful pleads from the prisoners, the pitch black corridor snaked his small frame like a poisonous python. The whole world was confined into big dome walls with thick iron rods and swirly twists. 

Jimin felt his chest tighten, stomach collapsing into a pit and veins turning cold with a pump of adrenalin suffocating his heart. The closer they got the louder his heart bumped. Glass shrieked eyes hazed into sad patterns on the floor and everything around became a patchwork of grey blurry bulbs. 

"Do you want one of us with you?" The officer asked, twisting the knob of a tightly packed, heavy metal door. In the heat of the moment, all Jimin could do was nod. His voice had dumped itself into lithe. 

There was a clink followed by a screech. The door opened and they stepped in. 

"J-Jimin?" His name from her mouth made him nauseous. It took every fibre in his body to collect his scattered conscience and push away the urge to throw up. He hated her. He despised her with all his might.

"Won't you even look at me?" It was fake. The whole drama was nothing but a plastic veil which would burn him if he let it melt. Her eyes were teary, face filled with bruises and scars, mildly rugged clothes revealing patches of burns and slashes. He used to look exactly the same earlier.

The officer pulled out a chair for him and stood in the darkest corner of the cell. 

Jimin rested his clasped hand on the table- the only barrier between them- and huffed out a shaky breath. His sweaty skin was coated with goosebumps. He was informed by Mr. Kim about her mental therapy sessions but the look in her eyes screamed that no matter what happens she'll always be the same fucking witch.

"I know I've done wrong. I don't even deserve the sight of you but…." Her hands trembled. That's when he noticed the chain clasped around her wrists. "I-how can I stop myself when you are here- you….. you are here. In front of me. I- you- why aren't you talking to me? Why.." she seethed, jolting her arm. "Why aren't you looking at me?" 

Jimin's breath hitched. She would've beaten him to pulp by now if it wasn't for those chains. The clanking of shoes reassured that the officer was still there.

He breathed out a sigh and folded his hands together. "I just want to know one thing." Somehow he managed to sound the way he wanted to. Cold and uninterested. "Whose child am I? Yours or dad's?" 

Mrs. Park blinked at the question. "What-" 

"I don't approve a question as an answer for my query. Say it in a word." 

She shook her head, tears of frustration cascaded her eyes. 

"I don't have a whole day!" His voice was hoarse but high. He checked his wrist watch and snapped his fingers. "Quick. Quick. Quick." 

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