chapter 7

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Jin laughed as they pushed Jimin's head down the toilet.

After what felt like minutes, he pulled his head back. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw that Jimin was unconscious.

"What the fuck." Jungkook muttered.

"You killed him!" Namjoon yelled.

"What if we get in trouble, you asshat!" Yoongi yelled at Jin.

"We won't! Lets just leave him here. He's bound to wake up."
Jin yelled back.

"He fucking better. I don't wanna get in trouble." Namjoon muttered harshly.

Jin got up and they started to walk away. He looked back to see Jimin laying on the ground, unconscious.

He bit his lip, feeling nervous, but continued walking away.

................(timeskip brought to you by Namjoon's unevenly sliced onions.")..............

Jimin's eyes fluttered open to be blinded by the bright light. Jimin shut his eyes and covered it from the light. He sat up and saw where he was.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

He quicky got up and ran to the toilet, vomiting out water. There was a fucking ton of it.

How much water did he

He sat down in front of
the toilet and then it all hit him. He remembered what happened and how he ended up here. He coughed out some more water, feeling his throat

Did they really leave him

His hair stank of toilet water..Jimin got up slowly and checked the time on his phone. He barely used his phone that his uncle gave him
3 years ago.


School was about to finish in 12 minutes. Jimin coughed furiously. He felt ill and weak.

Damn he was freezing.
He looked in the mirror andnsaw that he was a mess. Henlooked so pale and dead.

Jimin got his backpack and put on some makeup to makenhim look normal. It worked
for the most part. At least hendidn't look dead.

Jimin groaned and pulled at his hair. Deep down he was hoping that it would kill him.

But then again, he felt scared of death and didn't want to

Drowning felt horrible. It wasnthe worst feeling ever and possibly was the worst way to die.

Feeling your lungs fill up with water. Feeling your throat burn and not being able to breathe. Swallowingnlarge amounts of water while
screaming for help. It truly was torture.

Jimin grabbed his backpack and headed towards the office. A small smile occurred
as he saw Ms. Ross..Jimin walked up to the ofice.

"Hey." Jimin said.

"Hi Jimin. Did something
happen again? I bet it was those boys." She was feeling worried and angry.

"No they didn't" Suddenly Jimin broke down.

She got up and ran to his side. "Tell me what happened." She said in a soft voice.

And Jimin told her what
happened. About the drowning and the bullying.

She was shocked. "You know you could get them in trouble. That is basically attempted murder!" She said, still feeling shocked.

"It's okay. I-Im okay. It's not their fault anyways." Jimin said as he looked down.

She pressed her lips together. She wanted to press on the topic but knew Jimin wouldn't want that.

She engulfed him into a tight hug, afraid of letting go. And they just stayed there for a couple of minutes.

"Here, let me change your attendance. I don't want your mom getting mad." she said and walked over to her computer.

"Thank you so much. You're like the mother I never had."bJimin said, feeling sad.

She heard that and was a
bit confused. She looked up and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Doesn't your mother treat you the same?" She asked.

Jimin laughed a little bit
before answering. "Well not really. S-She doesn't love me. I mean, she used to. But now she hates me. I don't blame
her though. Who wouldn'tbhate me."

"You know what? Let's get coffee today and talk about it. It will make you feel better."

She gave him a sad smile. She was biting back a sob.

He gave her a smile and thanked her. She gave him one last hug before saying goodbye.

Jimin walked outside. He
smiled before he started
walking home.


Jimin realized that they
could see him and he started sprinting home. He was feeling exhausted. His lungs
and throat hurt badly.

He finally made it and opened the door quickly,
feeling his heart race. He
felt anxious to close the door quickly and feel comfort in his home, knowing that they won't find him.

He locked the door and ran up to his bedroom.

He let out a sigh of relief as he closed his door. He collapsed on his bed and startednpanting heavily.

He decided just to take a nap. The meet up wasn't till a couple of hours.

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