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P.O.V King

"Huzz buzz buzz"

Don't panic, it's not the sound of anyone crying. I just like to hum when I draw. Yesterday I watched a cartoon and realized that Shin-chan can really draw, so why can't I, the engineering God King? Oh, I am truly talented, proudly representing my parents and future partners.

"What are you doing, King?", Bohn asked looking at the strange drawing I was working on.

We sit and study, not really, we just listen to the teacher reading off the slides. I prefer to study at home. : 3

"I drew"

This is the first thing I drew in years. I remember winning gold in a drawing competition. I was in kindergarten at the time. My parents are very proud of my success. At that time I had to compete with two seniors, one of them gave up because of diarrhea and the other one ate the color. So, I was declared the winner.

"It just looks like some distorted design", another close friend of mine commented.

"This is art"

"You have no art in your heart and that is why you find everything ugly and flawed"

"You should be more like me, who sees beauty even in a rough dog's nose"

"Today I've prepared things for the volunteer camp", said my friend and I nodded.

The volunteer camp mentioned is a reforestation camp in the North. The committee hasn't decided where to go and now the signatures are almost full. They don't want to plant trees. Yesterday my friend Tee got us all the signs and then the girls got together to sign until the meeting room almost broke.

My name is King.

I always got the best grades so I got the nickname "Than Thep King" in my faculty. I found it too long that I didn't like it at first, but as time went on, I got used to it. I'm not hungry for power or name. I'm the complete opposite.

I'm not very organized and disciplined, but I'm sensible enough to know what to do and what not to do.

A man named King is a good person, a good student and a good friend but will be a better husband if you marry him.

After all, I am that King.

"How many days will this take on a volunteer trip? And why are we already being the ones doing all the nee ded work to organize it. I was tired before it even started", my friend asked.

In our sophomore year, we slept in university to prepare things. We don't have to but we want to get the job done as quickly as possible. Greening doesn't sound like too much work when you look from afar but it requires too much background preparation, like we need mosquito repellents, gloves, name tags, straps, drinking water etc.

"Maybe three to four days"

Looking out the window, the weather in Thailand is very hot but I like it. I love the hot air and infact its all natural.

"Take the scissors"

Boss has used it to trim his toenails and no one wants to use them anymore. I felt very dirty but had no choice since there were no scissors left.

Currently we are in Gear Gear (Larn Gear), to prepare things for the volunteer camp. Our group has reached the quorum.

I am the leader, boss is the main representative (always nagging), Bohn is the second representative (always nagging # 2), Tee is the leader too and then there's Mek.

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