✴ CHAPTER 19 ✴

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POV King:

Yes, we've arrived at our destination. I suggest you get to know the camp administrator, P'Yod.

After a very long journey we arrived at Phu Soi Dao and I have to say that as soon as I got off the bus I felt cold.

It's good my grandmother already told me about this so I brought my sweater. He told me that right now there is very cold weather in Uttaradit.

(Attention everyone !!)

"P'Yod you're a caretaker, right? Would you like to tell us about this place?"

(Yes but it's cold so I won't be long. This place is Phu Soi Dao, Uttaradit province. In the morning, there may be a lot of fog. You can play next to the waterfall, very famous.)

Phi pointed to a sign that said Phu Soi Dao waterfall.

King will swim for sure !!!

"Okay and ...?"

(Um ... it's really cold at night here so don't forget to wear thick clothes or you'll get cold. I'm worried about all of you.)

Phi smiled and shyly scratched his neck.

(Alright it's almost 7 o'clock, I think you should all take a shower. There are bathrooms but you can also go to Phu Soi Dao waterfall to enjoy taking a bath at once.)

Very cool. King will go to the waterfall. It wasn't only me who wanted to do that, all the rest of my group agreed to go swimming in the water too.

"But the water will be too cold," said Boss.

"Yes", replied Bohn.

How can you say that? Man, can you see the cold air floating on the water?

"Isn't it too cold?", Bohn asked.

Uttaradit is located at the top so we are not at the very north yet.

Bohn stepped into the water and when I looked closely, I could see his sharp and strong legs were shivering from the water.

"The cold is very cold," he added and immediately stepped back.

This is good. King likes cold water. I have to jump first but I'll let Bohn do it first.

Wait, who dares to interrupt? Oh .. my poor friend. His wife pushed him into the water.

"What are you doing?", I asked my dear friend.

He complained about being pushed into the water. Don't take it seriously. Ha ha.

"You really don't care how I feel," Bohn said to Nong Duen.

Hmmm ... I smell some drama from afar.

"Mek said that we shouldn't be here," Boss said and walked back to Mek.

"I thought so too," said Tee.

"Better take a picture on the other side", said Ting.

"Let's go," Tang added.

Everyone starts walking to the other side. Adjust yourself. I don't like to be surrounded by too many people.

"A'Ning let's go and play over there", I dragged the junior to swim in the corner where there weren't many other people besides a few of my friends.

They can play among themselves. I don't want to be busy with them right now.

Thep want to enjoy the beauty of nature first.

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